General Subject And Formatting

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General Subject and Formatting

General Subject and Formatting

1. Essay

The essay is prose which briefly analyzes, interprets or evaluates a topic; considered a literary genre, like poetry, fiction and drama. The essay differs from other types of writing, because of the following aspects:

Essay uses a formal tone; therefore, humour, sarcasm, colloquial language and tangential or irrelevant comments should be avoided.

It addresses a reader who, though intelligent, does not necessarily know background matter.

In fact, the fundamental purpose of examination or test task is to demonstrate own knowledge about the course as fully as possible. It is important to answer the question exactly (Lavelle 2002, pp. 399).

Keep in mind that an essay is mainly judged according to three criteria:

Relevant content and well documented.

An appropriate and well-organized argument.

Correct and idiomatic use of language.

2. Before Starting To Write

Do not think that professional writers write text in one go, before reaching the final text they write several drafts. This tearing and rewriting process of a text should not discourage the writer as it is a part of the process. In the beginning of the process, achieving an ideal vocabulary or wasting time with the dictionary should not be the writer's cause of worry (Biggs 1988, pp. 12).

The steps in the development of an essay are:

Make a list of ideas, try to find logic and categorize them.

Make an outline, this will allow you to present all the ideas and the principal arguments visually.

Write down the first draft.

3. Essay Organization

An essay consists of 3 main parts: beginning, middle or body, and conclusion.

3.1. Introduction

Introduction tells the reader: the writer's purpose, the approach to the subject and the organization which will continue through the essay. The first step in the introduction is to generate ideas carefully, as generated ideas should be specific. In approaching the subject, it is possible to develop the thesis statement, a sentence that is the response to a focused question (Lavelle 2002, pp. 399). However, to call the reader's attention that thesis can use the following strategies:

Surprise: shows the most striking or unexpected point.

Confirmation: based on the information the reader is already aware of, it will be easier to accept the rest of the argument.

Contradiction: when you start with a common and accepted by a majority, to prove it wrong and correct it.

Fail: when data gradually leaving open the key question, perhaps considering the reader. The introduction, shall not extend more than one paragraph (at most two) contain the following parts:

First, a brief introduction to the topic.

Then the thesis statement, indicating the interpretation of implications of the question and the order to continue the trial (Biggs 1988, pp. 12).

3.2. Body

The development of the aspects indicated in the introduction takes place in the body. Usually, each point mentioned in the thesis will occupy a paragraph test. However, the organization of the body varies somewhat depending on the chosen strategy of argument. It is a very important section of the essay as it shows the organizational capacity and argument of the ...
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