General Electric Case

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General Electric Case

General Electric Case

Question 1. Fully describe the four most important unique, hard-to-copy resources that Jack Welch's policies seem to have created at GE.

General electric was found in 1878, by Thomas Edison, mainly the company has a very significant mission to focus on its generation of products, distribution and the use of electric power, with the aim and intention to become the world's one of the biggest industrial companies.

Jack Welch become the CEO of the company, his tenure started from 1981 till 2001, thus, he serves the company for almost about 20 years. He has a great hand behind the success of the company General Electric he transformed the company taking the major profitable manufacturing company into an exceptionally profitable company that is dominated with its extended and exceptional service. Jack Welch not only had taken care of the company's profits but he has also linked up the company along with the social responsibilities in corporation with the intention to meet and create the wealth in the ways in order to avoid the harm and in order to protect the society and well beings. The major contribution of Jack Welch lies in the context of paying taxes in order to serve his economic responsibilities towards the society. The taxes General Electric paid worth 5.7 billion in the year 2000. Thus the General Electric fulfilled its first and the most important part of being a fully socially responsible company (Pier, 2006).

The second main thing in the queue they did is the voluntary action, which serves the second part of the socially responsible company. Thus, Jack Welch has made his name in a very good place in the society, and severs his part of the services for the company as well as for the society. He has created a ...
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