Gene One Change Strategy

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Gene One Change Strategy

Gene One Change Strategy

Any company that is successful aspires to go public for the simple reason to broaden the horizons of productivity and profitability. I ask myself a question, what did Google achieve by going IPO? Answer to that is a generic benchmark for all the companies who aspire to be an IPO. Recent example is CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade). The benchmark is that people trust public holdings than the private holdings. It provides confidence in the company as it promotes transparency in management and day to day operations plus the profitability is for everyone to see and evaluate. In this paper, I will discuss Gene One situation and its end-state goals using the 9-step problem solving model.

Issue Identification

Gene One is a company who not only aspires to be the leader but also possesses all the qualities to be the leader in biotechnology field with innovative marketing, high gain and leadership vision which ultimately culminating in CEO's dream of making the company IPO and gain confidence for the entire industry (Useem 1998). Working toward a 36-months maximum deadline, the CEO and his Board has to devise a clear strategy with the help of key members in the investment community. It is their hope that implementing IPO will help Gene One realize its growth targets, establish the company as a strong competitor, and show Wall Street that Gene One has the leadership and organizational capabilities to succeed as a public entity.

There are road blocks that Gene One needs to overcome for successful IPO (Hsieh & Barton 2005). Gene One needs to build new business model and develop public company infrastructure and culture. 4) Gene One needs enough time to position itself for successful IPO.

Externally, Gene One needs to meet Walls Street's requirement and expectation as well as addresses the negative publicities biotech industry. (I.e. human genome scandal)In addition, there is tension between Teri (CTO) and Michelle (CFO) due to conflict of interest. Teri and her team focus on Research and Development for new technologies, while Michelle focus on profit, business expansion, and growth. Despite of the subtle conflict, both Teri and Michelle are able to work in harmony under the strong leadership of Don (CEO) (Lee 2006).

Charles from marketing is a well-liked person that takes pride in his work. Charles is an innovative and self-confident professional who did a good job in creating Gene One's brand image. However, Charles needs to be more detail oriented in designing and implementing marketing scheme (Choo 2005).

Opportunity Identification

There is a rising interest in biotechnology companies as the interest in Wall Street is on upswing. There is couple of leadership changes at the highest level of Food and Drug Administration which has increased the confidence of stake holders in the entire industry including Gene One (Choo 2005).

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

End state goals for Gene One can be described in a nutshell as a strong contender to take on leadership on the biotechnology market. It is on a path and the passion for ...
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