Gender Identity

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Gender Identity

Gender Identity


There is a topic that has been talked upon by philosophers in the past and still so by researchers today. This topic is if heredity or natural environment performances a larger function in the working out or forming of an individual's behavior. It renowned as the nature versus nurture debate. Numerous generations before us have deliberated on the causes behind the development of human behavior. There have been numerous ideas formulated to interpret why humans act the way they do. The enduring ideas for demeanor draw from physiological and sociological explanations. However, the two interpretations have not habitually been matching with each other.

Roles of biological factors, nature and nurture on sexual differentiation and gender identity

Nature and Nurture is not exactly a new concept in the world of psychology. It is heavily debated; however, with the amount of stimulus we receive in our first few years of life it is hard to tell what affects an infant's mind, setting it up for progressive development. Studies of twins who separated at birth and brought up in different families have shown that an identical twin reared away from his or her co-twin is still extremely similar in terms of interests, personality and attitudes (Rita, 2009).

Modern behavioral genetics, the study of heredity and environment related 0entre and developmental psychology with some clearly illuminate this question of nature and nurture. These fields of psychology relate to our behavior as characteristic temperament and emotional nature. Their studies consistently show that temperament is largely the result of heredity (although these studies do not report on the influence of intra-uterine environment) and is called "non-shared family environment." Non-shared family environment means that every child in a family experiences a different micro-environment. He or she perceives the same environment differently. The family as a unique influence is simply a myth. The family does not offer the same environment for each child. It consists of many micro-environments such as children there.

Sex, gender and biology: While sex refers to physical characteristics of the body and the sexual act itself, gender refers to psychological differences, social and cultural relations between men and women. The term "sex" is ambiguous. The distinction between sex and gender is vital because many differences between males and females are not biological in origin. It thought that sex differences are genetic, but this is not entirely correct. It is useful therefore, to distinguish between sex, physiological or biological sense of the term, and gender is a cultural construct, is a relation variable, contingent and therefore changing (a series of learned behavior patterns).

Which has the greater influence on gender identity: nature or nurture?

While it does not choose a side, the above except does reveal that while environment does play some part in the development of a child's psyche, identical twins who share the same genetic code will be largely similar, regardless of where and how they raised. In a Time Magazine's Your Brain: A User's Guide, an article by Jeffrey Kluger explains how humans ...
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