Identity and Gender In Händels Works About Acis And Galatea
I am very grateful to Wim van der Meer and Birgit Abels for making this more clear to me.
This thesis is about possible readings of two opera's by Handel. What moves and fits me here is the idea of the hole in the fence, a sneak-peak in the era of a particular opera, trying to listen to what a contemporary listener experienced. The opera house was a place for gender bending and ironic reversals, with as its most obvious instance the Baroque fascination with castrati. In the 20th and 21st centuries, with the popularity of “new” musicology (a cultural musicology that blends traditional analysis with interdisciplinary thoughts), various scholars have developed alternative readings of Handel and his works. For instance Ellen Harris, one of the world's experts on Handel, proposes that Handels works are often encoded with alternative messages regarding nonheteronormative relationships and gender identity, leading to the conclusion that Handel might have been gay. But, as will be explained in this thesis, this line of thought may be interesting, but is completely from theviewpoint of a present-day listener. How applicable are contemporary theories to the Baroque opera stage? For example, the present conventionalised ideas about gender might be very different from those in the Baroque era. In this thesis, this virtual constructing of a historical listener will be brought on the scene as the one who establishes a connection with the Baroque era. Using this as an empathic ability and as a phenomenological possibility of approaching another time and place, understanding can be cultivated on how presentday listening relates to that of the past, so that we modern listeners do not have to condemn something that does not fit in our contemporary lives. The first half of this thesis will be an exploration of the story of Acis, Galatea and Polyfemo throughout time, examining the main character's identity markers to be read. After that I will start an
analysis of the performative side of Handel's two settings of the story, by the creation of two
different virtual listeners. But before that, I would like to start with a brief analysis of the approach I want to use to tackle the problems arising.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction1
Background of the Study1
Problem Statement2
Purpose of the study4
Rationale of the study4
Significance of the study7
Chapter 2: Historic framework, the history of stories about A, G and P8
T?p?göz 25
Constructions of identity28
Possible markers per character (first P, then G, then A)29
New identifications and recreated identities35
Chapter 4: Handel's works about A, G & P39
Case #242
Chapter 5 Theory47
Framing The Per Formative47
Queer Identities51
Gender In The Baroque Era52
Chapter 6 AGP through other eyes61
Queer in the ears of two virtual listeners61
Bodily markers of gender identity69
Acis's gender70
Maleness of the castrato71
Analysis of the key moment77
Chapter 7 Conclusion82
Works Cited86
Dating the Kitab88
Biography of Handel90
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of the Study
Scholars interested in the study of George Frederic Handel (1685-1759) have turned their attention to contemporary thought and its relation to the texts he chose to set. Ruth Smith and Ellen Harris's ...