Gender Identity

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Gender Identity

Gender Identity


Gender studies and the identity which is interrelated wit sex has been a topic Sof debate that is becoming increasingly popular and talked about. In a world where gender roles are slowly losing their strict adherence and young people are finding new ways to identify and become more independent in their person, there is little surprise as to why. It is believed that while sex is a biological feature, gender is a concept considered to be psycho-social cultural. It truly is a matter of individual choice when it comes to gender identities, although there are several socio-cultural factors that affect their decisions, and variations in the acceptance by society. But that hardly matters if one is identifying more with one gender over the other. Everyone views the world in an individual manner because they have their own perception and experience of the world, and its events and situations.


Throughout their lives, they are the only ones who can examine their life choices regardless of their affecting the people around them. This is the reason for why gender identity has become a popular topic among debate, since there are so many mediums to view when one is addressing gender identity. One of the controversies that spring to mind through the topic of gender identity is the conflict that is faced by transsexual and homosexual communities, where individuals are accused of taking gender identities lightly, and choosing to be one over the other when this is not the case at all. The debate of nature versus nurture can be quoted here, with psychologists having spent a long time contemplating the development of ones identity through both mediums. Typically, it is perceived that a girl is XX chromosome while a boy has XY, the conflict arises when one identifies more with the opposite sex. Is it necessary that all boys that have XY chromosomes act like boys? Homosexual and transsexual men are prone to act more in favor of XX female chromosomes.

According to the Gender Organization of Europe, gender roles are only as the individual chooses to adopt. Sex is the physical existence of reproductive organs that determines whether an individual is male or female, while masculinity and femininity can be determined by the individual themselves, as to what they relate with more.  This is what makes it possible for a member of one sex to be able to relate to the opposite. In most definitions of gender identity, the fact that is agreed upon is that regardless of what gender one relates to, it is undoubtedly a natural feeling and there is no chance of it being forced or acted, learnt or chosen. Although a doctors evaluation may be needed in order to identify a gender, blood work is not needed. In some cases, psychotherapeutic sessions are provided to individuals who are undergoing gender transitions, so that they are better prepared to face any hurdles they may face, or the reactions of their immediate society and the community they ...
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