Gender Identity

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Gender Identity

Gender Identity

Gender Identity


In our daily life we encounter different situations events influenced by us and other s in which we clarify gender, sex and sexual orientation. Several authors, mostly from western countries are of the view that gender identity is influenced by social factors, education and the environment. In their view, the only significant innate biological differences between men and women with social value, influencing the behavior and feeling person of a particular sex, is the ability of women to have more children, and, as a rule, higher physical strength of men than women. In their view, the gender differences with the achievement of equality between women and men must fade, and gender identity give way to identify himself primarily as a person. Some states in the United States have given the permission to carryout same sex marriages. People who find themselves at the crossroads of deciding their future sex identity have options available to pursue these changes. We will be providing our observation on the daily events we observe involving the concepts of Gender identity and sexual orientation development. We will also be discussing the theories on gender identification and sexual orientation development. Our observations will be evaluated in light of theories and we will review the theories for any gap in their formation as per observations.


Part 1, Observed Instances

Bus Ride

I was on my way to university. I rode the relevant bus and due to morning hours, it was a bit crowded as most of the people were also going to work. I noticed when a couple of university male students gave their seats to the females standing in the bus which appeared complete stranger to them. The thoughts which occurred to me were, did the students give the females the seats by considering a “weaker sex”? They gave only the seats to the females so their decision was based on the gender. It also kept me thinking that was the attractiveness of females was the reason the male gave them the seats out of sexual orientation. It reinforced the gender identification of females.

University Experiences

I come across different examples of gender while in university and some are really worth studying. I was on my way to cafeteria in University when I walked past a good looking guy, the facial beauty was remarkably of an above average guy, and the kind most regard as Arnold look. The down side was the physical features of the guy. I thought to myself he is good looking but his body is not masculine enough. The body hardly had any muscular cuts and was mostly thin at top and bottom with some additional weight at the middle. The beauty of the male gender has been characterized by the physical attractiveness with more focus on the strength of the individual. I questioned myself does the wider perception of muscular attractiveness is the practical criteria used for the assessment of male attractiveness.

Part 2 Critical Analysis

Description of Bus Ride

The bus ride depicts a typical ...
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