Gender History

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Gender History of Struggle for Power

Gender History of Struggle for Power


The gender history is a study of sociological sciences which dates back from the evolution of mankind. The gender discrimination has led to serious issues and problems in various fields such as societal, political, and economic grounds. The gender alignment is mapped in minds of men and women from infancy for the difference. These genders are subjected to pressures to conform to gender norms; for example, girls are symbolizing as weaker than their boys equivalent. Likewise, boys are provided toys and materials of traditional working men at a tender age such as building blocks and tools.

The physical cues position males as overriding females. The strength of the male is believed to represent leadership and power. Also, their capability to outperform women is also taken into considerations in all aspects. Thus, men are often regarded as superior to women. However, this concept is now changing. Females are now promoted in activities and encouraged to apply in fields side by side with males. This allows a tough competition and continuation of struggle for power.

It has been a continuous discussion of empowering the genders equally. The power should be distributed among men and women alike without any differentiation. The genders have strived for power in various fields to promote themselves for eligibility. Stereotyping in gender has led to many misconceptions and fallacies. Both the genders have been limited to their roles due to these misunderstandings which caused a hindrance in the development of society as a whole. Thus, gender equity was given considerable importance which require equal playing field between men and women rather than pretending to eliminate the biological differences and positions. This variance between genders should not act as a denial to access the resources and empowerment.

Policy makers who desire to promote sustainable development risk failure if they neglect to address gender issues. Intuitively, the success or failure of sustainable development policies hinges on understanding not only how gender influences socio-ecological relations but also in recognizing instances where such influence might be limited or unnecessary. They are now paying great attention to policy making with respect to the different characteristics of both genders to utilize them up to maximum potential.


The consideration for construction of gender roles has been a concern for the people in any organized community such as society, company, and political parties. The struggle for social, political, and economic power has been a story for gender history. The inequality and discrimination in the gender roles have played a part in several existing consequences that resulted from the inappropriate demarcation of duties and responsibilities based on gender differences. The quota system preference over merit based system has been an offspring of such consequences.

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