Gay Parents--Should They Be Permitted?

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Gay parents--should they be permitted?


In addition to traditional families, new heterosexual families are created, a new kind of parenting, which will focus on the parent-child relationship. The decisions of some countries to allow gay marriage and adoption, and others, have been generating controversy in the matter. The very notion of gay parenting is recent; it appeared in 1997 to define parental relationships of homosexual couples with children. The adoption of children by gay couples or gay adoption is a sensitive issue (Eric, 45). Gay or lesbian parents bring a parent or a couple of parents whose sexual orientation is clearly recognized and one or more children legally bound to at least one parent.

Undoubtedly more and more children are being raised by same-sex adults. Logically, since one or two decades, gay people claiming loudly to be recognized socially, legally and therefore, as capable of raising children. And add, to cut short debate all wrong, they are doing it well. They are also demanding the right to be parents, or by the adoption of a child neglected classic, or by the combination of the use of assisted procreation with donor and adoption (Martine, 41). Some male couples want to adopt other people's children, but in most countries, it is prohibited by law. In this paper, we are going to discuss whether gay parents should be allowed to adopt children or not.

Research Questions

RQ#1: Do a couple's sexual orientations should be a deciding factor in whether or not they can adopt a child?

RQ#2: Do homosexual couples should be given the right to adopt children as a part of their constitutional right?

RQ#3: By having homosexual parents, a child will automatically become gay?

RQ#4: Is there a greater likelihood of physical and sexual abuse (of children) in adoptive, homosexual families?


Today, men and lesbians are being considered more seriously as potential adoptive parents. This change is due to the increase in the number of homosexual biological parents in the United States. The adoption of children by gay couples or gay adoption is a sensitive issue. Holland was the first state that allowed gay couples adopt a child. In 1976, there were an estimated 300 thousand to 500 thousand homosexual biological parents, for 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children had a parent gay or a lesbian mother. And between 8 and 10 million children are being raised in homosexual households.

Analysis Reporting System Adoption and Foster (AFCARS), the Department of Health and Human Services estimated that in 1999, there were approximately 547 thousand children in home-home in the United States, of these, 117 000 and candidates were legally free for adoption. However, in 1997, there were only qualified adoptive families (including single parents) available for 20 percent of these children. It is also estimated that approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population -Or 25 million individuals-are homosexual (Martine, 106). Despite the increase in parenthood among gay people, social workers have reservations when considered as adoptive parents for a minor. You may wonder how the child will ...
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