Gay Marriages

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Gay Marriages

Gay Marriages


There is so much controversy surrounding gay marriages basing on the fact that it involves both social and legal arguments some which support it while others oppose it. Legal arguments that support gay marriages receive more attention because they are matters of basic equal and civil rights. Social arguments on the other hand are mostly against gay marriages because they tend to protect the well being of the society through upholding of morality. All in all it is not demonstrable that gay marriages are harmful to the well being of the society. And even incase they were harmful, their dignity and equality should be respected. If two people are in love with one another, they should be able to enjoy the same privileges, rights and responsibilities like any other couple regardless of their genders (Lee, 2010).As Lee (2010) explains gay couples are prohibited from a number of rights and benefits that are awarded to the legally recognized couples: for instance, access to medical disability and life insurance of a spouse (Lee, 2010).

These are instances of discrimination that obviously negatively affect the gays in one way or the other. Unlike the unmarried heterosexual partners who have the alternative of being legally married and therefore being able to enjoy rights awarded to legally recognized marriages, there is no such option for same sex couples. One claim that normally comes up whenever gay issues are raised is that gay relationships are not natural because their union cannot produce children.


The biggest controversy surrounding legalized homosexual unions goes for words. According to the doctrine of many religions, marriage is ordained by God, man and woman relationship. In this approach, a combination of words, gay marriage seems to be an insult to the followers of the principles of the highest values. Catholicism, for example, recognizes that homosexuality is understood as sexual orientation is not a sin, but gays as sexual practices. Homosexuals can live in a partnership, but only if they remain celibate (Pierceson, 2009).

Traditionalists believe that the main purpose of marriage is procreation, and by helping in the education of the child should be placed under state protection. Same-sex couples are not able to deliver offspring. Attempts to legalize homosexual union's conservatives read as an attack on the traditional division of family roles. Many traditionalists believe that gays and Lesbians can corrupt their children's inappropriate behavior, which as a couple of the same sex would adopt. Even in the middle of the twentieth century in most European countries, homosexuality was prosecuted by law in some Islamic countries today is punished by flogging or death, or "treated" by the pharmaceutical "castration". Opponents of legalization say that there is no need to regulate such matters as the right to visit the hospital, receiving correspondence and remuneration for work in a separate law on registered partnerships (Kramer, 1997). Conservatives have expressed the opinion that the law on these issues does not discriminate against gay people. In their opinion, the existing rules also allow you ...
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