This research paper underlines the topic of allowing of gay marriages or called same sex marriages, where two men marry each other or two women marry each other called lesbian marriage. The research papers underline the advantages of gay marriages and its disadvantages. It also highlights the economic impact on the gay couples over the straight couples they face. The physical illnesses are increasing, which includes the spread of HIV/AIDS increasing as the result of increased homosexuality.
Table of Content
American Gay Rights Movement2
Gay Marriages3
Pros of Gay Marriages5
Cons of Gay Marriages7
Economic Impact on Same Sex Marriage8
Physical Health9
Annotated Bibliography11
Gay Marriages should be Allowed or Not?
American Gay Rights Movement
Thomas Jefferson in 1779 was the first to propose the law, which would authorization to the castration for gays, but at that time, it was not accepted. After 224 years later to this proposition, when U.S. Supreme Court and the law of treating people having same sex intercourse in Lawrence v. Texas. In 1951, the first gay organization was founded. In 1955, Daughters of Bilitis was formed, which was the first lesbian right organization. In 1962, the first state in USA, to decriminalize the homosexual act was in Illinois.
In 1973, the greatest success was that the American Psychiatric Association removed the homosexuality form the list of the mental disorder. Harvey Milk was the great big supporter and use to blame and accuse the government that they do not have any right to get involved in personal sexual involvements. In 1976, Harvey Milk was appointed as the first openly gay city commissioner in Unites States. In 1977, there was the biggest defeat by 70% to the gay activist when there was a campaign started all over by the name Save Our Children by the Christian fundamentalist group in Miami, Florida.
In 1979, there was the National March in Washington for the Lesbian and Gay Rights, constituting of 75,000 people, which was had the largest political support for the LGBT rights to the date. In 1993, there was the policy initiated for the U.S. military known as Don't Ask, Don't Tell, by President Clinton. This policy actually was the provocation to the prohibiting of the gays employed in the U.S. military, and it led to the firing of thousands of males and females from the military who were gays. In 2004, same sex marriages were made legal in Massachusetts along with Civil Unions formed in Connecticut and New Jersey in 2005 and 2006. By 20111, New York became the largest state to allow the same sex marriages and have lesbian and gay couples in majority.
Gay Marriages
The world has moved with such a fast pace, that every right and wrong has acquired its legislative value. Today, gay marriages or same sex marriages has acquired significant importance in the life. Where in bygone time, homosexual marriages were considered to be the unforgivable sin, even hearing such a thing was considered to ignominy.
In the year 2001, homosexual marriages or gay marriages have acquired legislative place in ...