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Gay Marriages

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Legalization of Gay Marriages




Reasons why people prefer to engage in gay marriages5



Summary of the Arguments and support9



“Legalization of Gay Marriages”


Same sex marriage is said to be a marriage that takes place amidst two people belonging to the same gender. Supporters of such concept or gay marriage term same sex marriage as marriage equality. Like every argument has two sides so does the concept of same gender marriages? Both the sides have a strong opposition against each other. I, for one, agree that same sex marriages should be allowed. Gay marriages have recently had excessive endorsement and performance in times of days. In primitive times, anyone and everyone would consider homosexual marriages as a sin, considering it simply out of question. In today's world of modernization and futuristic belief, matrimonial relationships among boys (gay marriages) and girls (lesbian marriages) is considered appropriate. The thought that provokes when discussing gay marriages is generally uncomfortable, placing the generations-the young ones, brood and offspring-at risk of developing disastrous and disturbed mental patterns. However gay marriages are a source of reducing problems that exist in the society which will be discussed in this paper.

In today's world of modernization and futuristic belief, matrimonial relationships among boys (gay marriages) and girls (lesbian marriages) is considered appropriate.  Gay marriages or same sex marriages are not legalized by the federal government in the US, but they have been legalized in some of the states in the US on the pretext that they are essentially a matter of freedom of choice. In the year 2004, Massachusetts legalized the gay marriages (Ross, 2011). Currently, there are six states in the United States that have legalized gay marriages. These are Massachusetts, Iowa, Washington, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, and New York. Same sex marriages were legal in California after which the government rendered them illegal.


Homosexuals anywhere in the world should have the right to marry. In countries, states or regions which allow gay marriage, it is important to look at their version or their premise behind legalizing the marriage. Many countries accept it, including Spain, Argentina, South Africa, Norway, and more. This issue is a matter of human rights. Homosexuals should have the right to marry anyone because if they are not allowed then it becomes a case of discrimination that goes against the constitution, and homosexuals deserve the same rights that the rest of the world's population has (Anderssen, 2002).

There is much discrimination against homosexuals that exist at a worldwide level. This discrimination is based on the symptom of hate. These people do not deserve to be victims. There are people who hurt gay individuals physically, and there are others that discriminate tem in many ways as well. The discrimination has turned severe to the extent that a research was done where it was concluded that 66 percent of people do not share the roof with a homosexual, 39.4 percent said that homosexuals should not participate in policy and 40 percent said they will not accept a homosexual living at ...
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