Gay Marriage

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Gay Marriage


Same sex marriage is a marriage that occurs between people of the same biological sex or gender identity. Gay marriage is one of a kind of the same sex marriage. It is since the year 2001 that as many as 10 countries have given the liberty to their citizens to choose the partner of their choice which is of the same sex as them. Gay marriages are allowed in the countries like, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Netherland, Portugal, Spain etc. Supporters of legal recognition for same-sex marriage typically refer to such recognition as marriage equality.

Main Body

Gays have been part of the human evolution since the very beginning of the world. A person usually gets married when he or she realizes that the person they have been dating is the right choice for them. There has been no prescription over the choice or there is no universal law as to what sort of a partner should be selected for marriage, it is the bonding of love that creates affection between two people and they get in to a relationship. People are often misguided by the word marriage. Marriage does not mean free sex, but it means that the person has not selected an individual with whom he or she would be sharing the rest of his or her life. With the help of marriage, the people usually tend to share their problems and they have a partner who is there to motivate them in the bad times and someone is there to help share the feelings.

When a person has a right to select his job, career, house, car, girl friend etc why can't a person choose a partner of his choice? If the individuals are given the liberty of choosing the sort of wife they would spend the rest ...
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