Gay Marriages

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Gay Marriages


For some time the mainstream media strive to discredit any attempt to oppose for scientific and social ideology of homosexuality and what it represents especially marriage and adoption by homosexuals. There are few who argue that society progresses and has a commitment to social progress manifested in overcoming barriers that discriminate against homosexuals. Proponents of these views have tried to defame those who defend the right of children to the best family possible and society's right to propose marriage as a union between a man and a woman saying that we impose our religious beliefs to others and that impede the recognition of civil rights for all (ZAnderssen, pp. 335).


In my opinion yes it should be legalized as many of the supporters are also in favor. There are some reasons which states that now it should be legalized, in order to give respect to this community. Homosexuals, like everyone, can marry and not discriminatory, many prefer not to. Homosexuals can marry the same rights and obligations as heterosexual. That is, only with another person of the opposite sex only to a certain age and consent. That a homosexual complain of discrimination because he is not allowed to marry someone of the same sex is like a polygamist complain of discrimination because he is not allowed to marry several women or a promiscuous with various and several at once. No discrimination: the law is equal for all and the company has a model of marriage that has proven effective for centuries. The reasons I would like to make my point of view clear are discussed below:

Positions of supporters and opponents

For supporters of gay marriage, there is a difference of unjust legal regime between heterosexual and homosexual couples. Citing the equal rights of indifferent sentimental and sexual orientation, they demand the legalization of gay marriage. It aims to offer everyone the opportunity to start a family, a right recognized in one form or another by various laws (such as the right to lead a normal family life in U.S). It is yet to allow same-sex families in concubine or contract to have recognition of their union as such.

Conversely, opponents of gay marriage point to the specificity of heterosexual marriage, where men and women are certainly equal, but not identical or interchangeable, particularly in relation to motherhood and its consequences on the lives of the couple and life of the newlyweds. They are based primarily on the consistent definition of the word "marriage" in all places, and times to denote the union of one man, and one woman. They contest the egalitarianism of the claim, review a fallacious argument in the service of community claim victim hood, and oppose the defense institutions (Sullivan, pp. 12).

In the United States, we, the people, promote equality and are against discrimination, and by allowing gay marriage we are promoting this. Many people discriminate against gay marriage because they are scared of it. People do not understand homosexuals which is why they do not approve ...
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