Gay Marriage: Should It Be Legal Or Not

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Gay Marriage: Should it be legal or not


Same sex marriages have been a debatable issue since long. Gay marriages have very recently gained excessive promotion and practice in recent days. In primitive times, anyone and everyone would consider homosexual marriages as a sin, considering it simply out of the question. There are countries and cities that allow same sex marriages i.e. gay and lesbian marriages, while on the other hand, many countries and cities do not accept same sex marriages. This means that gays and lesbians will have to fight very hard for their right and also will have to make sure that they get their rights in the country just as any other legally married couple does (Biskupic, 12). In the United States there are certain cities that have allowed gay marriages, but still there are many cities and countries that have to allow such marriages.

The issue of gay marriage has sparked one of the most emotional and hotly contested debates in the U.S. today. As of April 2007, only one state--Massachusetts--permits gay couples to marry. Three others allow gay couples to form civil unions, which confer many of the same rights as marriages (Dunlap, 13). An additional three states, as well as Washington, D.C., allow homosexuals to form domestic partnerships, which also grant some marriage rights to gay partners, but in the remaining states, gay partnerships have no legal standing at all.

Thesis Statement

Gay Marriage should be legalized and it should be subject to judicial review.


A Human Right

Many gay-rights activists argue that marriage is a basic human right, one that should not be denied to gay couples for any reason. Supporters counter that it is unfair that certain people cannot get married simply because they are gay. Gay couples should be entitled to all of the legal and social benefits that married heterosexual couples have, proponents assert. The right to marry should also be extended to gay couples because more and more of them are raising children together, and marriage is an essential form of legal protection for children, proponents assert. Finally, advocates maintain that the arguments against same-sex marriage simply do not withstand scrutiny; allowing homosexuals to marry does not in any way threaten the sanctity of marriage, as is so often claimed by gay-marriage critics, supporters say (Kirkpatrick, 115).


Love has no boundaries. This is the main reason why gay marriages should be legalized and should be accepted all over the world. It is the essential need of life, and if there is no love a person, cannot give his best in his life. Gay marriages should be allowed because the couples or the partners love each other and cannot live without each other. They are in a relationship, but cannot get married because it is not accepted in many places. If a person is given an option whether to live a successful life without his loved one and partner and whether to lead an average life with his loved one beside him, he will certainly choose the ...
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