Gay And Lesbian Parent

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Gay and Lesbian Parent


In most countries, non-heterosexual unions not recognized under the legal construct of marriage and it's financial, legal, and social implications. As a consequence, the ways in which marriage and biology define family, impacts the ways in with LGBTQ families acknowledged and accorded rights. There are several positive and negative views of gay and lesbian parents.


Problem of Gay and Lesbian Parents

As the world evolves, society steers away from the norms. One trend that has caught up over the years is of marriages and adoptions carried out by homosexual partners. As same sex marriages have started gaining legal status, the married partners are more likely to plan on children, either through artificial insemination, surrogating, or through adoption. The acceptance by the courts, by adoption agencies and welcome homes, has increased the rate of freedom within our society (Wong, 25).

Parenting is not an easy task, be it for heterosexual or homosexual couples. However, the problems faced by gay and lesbian parents aggravated and more complicated as the child faces both unique as well as societal challenges while growing up. He or she questions what happens around him. The positives of parenthood are also present, where a child brought up in a liberal environment, and his freedom of thought not confined.

The problems that gay and homosexual parents face are massive. Firstly, the child exposed to only one sex, that is, a child having two lesbian mothers may feel the absence of a father figure, and this might be true for the mothers. Apart from the loss of a fatherly or motherly figure, as per the aforementioned case, it also creates confusion in the child's sexuality as he or she may not be exposed to a man-woman love affair at home. Contrary to what he sees, hears and reads about outside his or her abode, young children need some form of gender direction. Lifestyles seem different, and the child may feel out of place in the real heterosexual world. Many children brought up in such environments tend to experience the homosexual life themselves (Breaden, 23).

Positive View of Gay Parenting

On the other hand, gay and lesbian parents can also be a blessing to children in disguise. Such couples, as they have been through societal and personal confusions, tend to be softer, more caring and love their children that they granted the opportunity to raise, with all their heart and soul. It is an important event to get this child, through whatever method, and they treat their children with much more respect as compared to normal couples. Additional research on this can be done later when ...
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