Future Of English

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Future of English

Future of English with Chinese Youth

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English is widely accepted and is on the way to becoming the dominant global language. A language achieves the global statues when it is widely accepted and recognized in every country. Wide books, journals devoted entirely to global English indicates that English has been recognized in almost every field of study and since, it is a popular mode of communication and almost every book is published or translated in this language. English has been globally recognized as the language of communication, science, information technology, business seafaring, aviation, entertainment, radio, and diplomacy. With the growth of British Empire, the language spread beyond the boundaries of British Isles and by the late 19th century, it attained global reach. The language spread following the British colonial period from 16th to 19th centuries and became dominant in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Further, the ever growing influence of the superpower in terms of culture and economy since the World War II has contributed greatly to the spread of language across the world. It has also replaced and surpassed some of the languages in the chain of history while maintaining its spread and status in almost every field and has become a pre requisite for many fields, occupations, and professions i.e. medicine and computing. Therefore, it has led to trillions of people around the world to learn and speak at least basic level of proficiency in the language (Graddol, 1997).

The increasing scope of English has led it to be included in the curriculum of education throughout the world and due to its wide acceptance and recognition; one cannot survive without learning at least initial phase of the language. In recent years, a growing number of observers have noted the positive impact that China can have on economic development in Latin America. The high economic growth of China has prompted an increase in their demand for raw materials and energy, contributing to increased exports and improved terms of trade in Argentina, Brazil and other countries in the region. China has expanded in parallel with the volume of foreign investment and seeks new allies in Latin America.

Standard and Non-Standard English

Being a global language with wide recognition, English is used in numerous different settings for varying purposes. The dialects used may differ among countries according to their environment for instance, someone from New Zealand or India might not be able to get equipped with US dialects, and clear differences can be observed in their written and oral communication. Despite various varieties of English incorporated throughout the world in different sub groups and regions, there remains a common core element of language that makes them English.

The discussion has led to two broad categories of English; standard and non-standard English. These sub categories are never clearly defined because of the nature of context.

Standard English is the language used by the people in power, the version is known as standard it reflects the way those people talk and ...
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