Fundamentals Of Research Paper

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Fundamentals of Research Paper

Fundamentals of Research Paper


The aim of this paper is to consider and discuss different fundamental aspects of a research in relation to the field of human services. The paper provides different examples regarding the scientific methods of research in the field of human services. It also highlights the importance of using a scientifically sound research for a human services manager.

Scientific Method

A scientific method is a notion used to describe a scientific manner of research which is utilized to examine and establish the cause and effect relationships through using empirical reasoning. Scientific methods study the relationships and provide answers to the queries by establishing the cause and effect relationships (Gauch, 2003). In human services field, the importance of carrying out a research is fundamental to the accomplishment of the objectives. The scientific method to research is therefore of great help in the human services field as it helps to investigate the solution to a certain problem or issue.

Steps In The Process Of Scientific Inquiry

The process of scientific inquiry entails a number of steps which must be followed in order to obtain accurate results (White, 2012). The different steps involved in the process of scientific inquiry include the following. The process of scientific inquiry begins with a definition of the problem or issue. It is then followed by generation of questions and a background research on the defined problem. The process then includes generating a hypothesis for the research to be carried out. This includes defining the reasons for carrying out the research. The process subsequently entails collection of data, analysis of the collected data and a thought on the findings obtained from the research. The final step is the communication of the findings (Singh & Narth, 2010).

Each of the above mentioned steps are significant for a proper and accurate research process. If these steps are not executed properly in a sequence, then it can lead to inaccurate results. Moreover, each of these steps reduces the likelihood of bias and errors in the research. An example of the use of scientific research in the field of human services is the case of an agency that gives free meals to the down-and-out and homeless people. It is not capable to meet the demand of food required owing to an increase in the homeless population of the area.

The problem defined is the inability of the agency to provide food to ...
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