Functions Of Management

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Functions of Management

Functions of Management


Management is one of economics. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, since the management attempted to rely on scientific grounds, until the 60s Twentieth century, management was perceived as a managerial activity, including the following sequences of the case: Planning, Organizing, Motivating and Controlling called the classical management functions.

The classic management functions singled out the first "classic" management of Henri Fayol. However, the paradigm of management has changed dramatically since then, so you want to go back to an older, more general definition: management is the art or practice of rational use of resources to achieve the objectives. Management entity is not always the one who sets the goals. An example of this can be a military organization, which has to meet specific mission (Williams, 2000), but neither she nor her commander (the providers) does not contain this mission. Formulate the task (which is to be done) and define the target values (called targets), the results to be achieved. This example shows that the organization is a means of achieving objectives, and so is the subject of management.

Typically, they fill the classical management functions, so - apart from exceptions - say that the subject of management with identity is generally a management entity. Except in special cases, such as managing a personal budget by a single person or keeping farm completely self-sufficient, to achieve the desired results depends in part on the actions of other entities. Therefore, management also includes the relationships (associations) of the entity with the environment (Kerzner, 2001).

Following are the main functions of the management;


Planning can be defined as an action directed at a specific object in order to create change in his behavior. It is oriented towards the future and applies to both achieve specific objectives, as well as measures that ...
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