Free Health Care

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Free Health Care

Free Health Care

Williams, W. E. (2012). Free Health Care?.

In this article the author states that the health care facility might be free for the users or people, however; it does not mean that it has zero cost associated with it. He further maintains that when the price is not allowed to make the demand similar to that of supply, other measures must be considered. As a matter of fact, one way to balance demand is to make queues, while that of other is medical experts should decide on their discretion as in who should receive free facility.

Donnelly, J. (2011). How did Sierra Leone provide free health care?. The Lancet,377(9775)

Over the period of time, the free health care service at Sierra Leone has been significantly increased particularly those for mothers and children. Besides all these, the rate of mortality in mothers pertaining to childbirth still floating on high graphs.

Wun, Y. T., Luo, T. C., & Pang, S. M. (2011). In a free healthcare system, why do men not consult for lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)?. Asia Pacific family medicine, 10(1)

The presence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is inconsistent in diverse populations, however; the rate at which these patients seek medical advice is considerably low. This study is aimed at ascertaining reasons for patient's not consulting medical advice under free healthcare system.

Fisher, E. S., Bynum, J. P., & Skinner, J. S. (2009). Slowing the growth of health care costs—lessons from regional variation. New England Journal of Medicine, 360(9)

The growth of insurance coverage in pertaining to health in the United States of America is one of the major concerns for the health care reforms. However, if the focus of the reforms is over the current state of overspending, in terms of overuse of medical centers, useless visits as well as consultation etc, the ...
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