Free Health Care Policy

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Free Health Care Policy

Free Health Care Policy


Delivery of quality health care is the most significant strategy of any hospital. Quality health care will help the patients to recover their severe and critical conditions and disorders. Health care can be defined as the utilization of treatment, diagnosis, therapies, prevention, medications to help the patient for recovery. Health care can be delivered by physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, technologist, assistants, and other health care providers. Quality health care is also considered as the fundamental right of any person. Government of United States of America is also concerned about their health care system. They are taking enormous tough and successful decision to increase the effectiveness of their health care system.

One of the significant problems is the extent of higher costs in the health care system. A patient will have to pay an excessive amount of his money to avail the facility of the most suitable treatment for his condition. It is not an easy task for patients to pay higher amounts for the purpose of treatment. Free health care policy will be beneficial for the health of the patients. Giving an opportunity of free health care to patients, who are admitting in an emergency or critical care units, will increase the degree of health care. Furthermore, free health care policy will help those patients who are not financially capable to pay the cost of their treatment. Free health care policy will ensure the prevention of a number of disastrous diseases and disorders. These diseases may be linked to the mental illness or any drug addiction. Overall, utilization of free health care policy will ensure the optimal health care of patients (Bodenheimer, 2005).


Problem Statement

There are several problems that involved in the health care system of America. One of the primary concerns is the higher costs of the diagnosis, treatment, and hospital stay. This problem is originating a number of significant situations that will directly affect the health of patients. Higher costs of health care will not allow the lower class of the state to avail the facility of treatment and diagnosis for their circumstances. The extent of homelessness is also growing in America because of several reasons. The homelessness will directly affect the ratio of mental illnesses and drug addictions. It was assessed that mental illnesses and drug addictions are extra prominent in the homeless poor people. Excessive expenses of diagnosis and treatment is a significant barrier for the homeless poor people to achieve the right of quality health care. Excessive costs of health care are also linked to the higher morbidity and mortality rates in United States of America. Homeless or poor people are not financially strong to avail health care opportunities, hence increasing the ratio of morbidity and mortality (Bodenheimer, 2005).

Background behind Higher Costs

The greater range of rising costs of health care is considering as a national problem. Various economists and politicians are connecting this problem with the downfall of the economy. Many of researchers and other professionals said that focus on ...