Frameworks For Quality And Performance Excellence

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Frameworks for Quality and Performance Excellence

Frameworks for Quality and Performance Excellence

System and its Relevance According to Deming

A system is basically a set of different activities or functions that occur within any organization when during work in order to achieve shared goals. Now the key is that this system should possess a particular purpose which usually it struggles to achieve. According to Deming, the aim of system in any organization is for everyone involved within it including workers, stockholders, clients, environment and even the community itself, in order to gain over long term. Deming is of the view that to optimize any system, it is the management's responsibility. Meanwhile, suboptimization is something that is achieved with the help of all those decisions which are best for a small part of the system, which prevents a particular system from achieving its goals.

Causes of variation

Any product process contains a number of variations. For instance, materials will be different in terms of their thickness, content or many be in strength. An overall compound interaction of different variations in materials, tools, machines and the environment etc is difficult to understand. A variation due to individual source is random but their collective effect is stable and can be predicted statistically. Factors present as natural part of a process are called common causes of variation.

Common causes make about 80% to 90% of the variation in a particular process of product while the remaining 10% to 20% are the results of special causes of variation, known as assignable causes. Special sources arise from external sources, for example material purchased from suppliers.

Juran's View on Quality and the Two Premises

Joseph M. Juran, a western author wrote the Quality Control in the year1951, which is one of the most comprehensive books on quality. In that book, Juran explained the two premises on quality, which are defined as, (1) the mission of any firm or organization is to reach high product quality while (2) it's the mission of every individual of the firm to attain that high quality product. Juran stresses that the senior management of any organization has to play the role of active and enthusiastic leadership in order to achieve the two premises of quality.

Crosby's Absolutes of Management

Philip B. Crosby's strategy involved a nontechnical approach which starts with awareness campaign and focus on behavior between the people (Swansburg & Swansburg, 2002). Crosby's absolutes of quality management are:

Quality means conformance to requirements not elegance: Crosby very well dismisses the statement that quality is nothing but a feeling of excellence. According to him, requirements must be clearly determined so that they are not taken wrongly taken or misunderstood by any means.

There is no such thing as quality problem: Crosby says that issues and problems in any organization must be identified at the departmental of individual level.

There is no such thing as the economics of quality: According to Crosby quality is something free and economics had no meaning at all

The only performance of measurement is the cost of quality and not the ...
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