Formative And Summative Evaluations

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Formative and Summative Evaluations

Formative and Summative Evaluations


Formative and summative evaluations are essential for any educational institution. The formative assessment is done in order to monitor the learning of the student, providing feedback which will aid in bringing improvement in teaching of an instructor and help students in improving their learning (Looney, 2011). A student maybe asked submit a summary of the lecture given identifying the main points or get the research proposal checked for early feedback.

Summative assessment is used to evaluate the learning of the student at a specific point in time such as instructional unit by comparing it against set benchmark or standard. These assessments have high point in value which includes final project, half or yearly exam and many more.


There are different ways in which formative and summative evaluations may be used. Formative assessment, when incorporated in a class room will benefit both, the teachers and the students. This can be done to bring timely adjustment (Looney, 2011). The amendments will make sure that the students achieve the target set and the teacher will know the learning of the student. This evaluation can be practiced in different ways:

Criteria and Goal Setting

The settings of the goal and criteria with students make them acknowledge them in learning process and instruction as they are clear in what is being expected. If the students understand the learning criteria and goals, the outcome is likely to be successful. Defining quality, students being asked to participate in creating the norms and culture of the classroom and determining the factors to be considered in the criteria setting in order to be successful are part of this strategy. Class room tests and researches can be utilized in order to make the students understand the expectations and an effective process that will lead them to achieve it.


This is when the instructors takes a round of the class and evaluate if the students need clarification on the task given (McCormick, n.d). This will assist the teachers as they collecting evidence of the learning that is going on. Observation can also help in providing feedback to the students.

Questioning Strategies

Asking questions will help in clearing the concepts and give an opportunity to students to think deeper. This helps in engaging the students and even makes them think out of the box. It will develop deeper understanding of the students of the concept as the dialogue expands the learning.

Self and Peer Assessment

Self evaluation is the strategy that helps the student engage in metacognitive thinking and reflecting that is involved in learning. The students evaluate and see the other students as a resource in peer evaluation.

Student Record Keeping

This is works like an evidence for students and teachers which make them keep the track of the progress.

Summative Assessment in the classroom can be implemented by

Hourly Assessment

End of chapter tests

Semester exams

Reports and Research

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