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Five Questions

Five Questions

Ans1- First thing which will be explained in this topic is the hydrologic cycle. The hydrologic cycle is the constant movement of water that occurs above and below the earth surface, and has no starting point or end. It is a process that includes an existing water source, the atmosphere, solar radiation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, infiltration, percolation and runoff. To describe a quick summary on how the hydrologic cycle works, there is a need to study the starting point of any existing body of water, the ocean, lakes, rivers, streams or even ice or snow. The sun heats these bodies of water and the process of evaporation takes place, the turning of water into a vapor form. This vapor is then raised into the atmosphere and carried away by air currents. As these vapors cool, they condense into clouds. These clouds are moved around the earth's atmosphere, colliding with other cloud particles and growing in size before dropping from the sky as some form of precipitation, like rain, sleet, hail or snow. (Dalrymple, 1994)

Ans2- The concept of food chain is certainly very valuable and it comes under the concept of ecosystem. An ecosystem is generally understood to be the combination of biological, physical and chemical factors that makes up a particular locality and can be anything from a pond to a rainforest to a desert. There are two components in an ecosystem, the biotic components, such as sunlight, temperature, water or moisture and the soil chemistry, and the biotic, the living organisms from plants to insects, animals to people, all of which interact together. Ecology is a way of describing how the various component parts of an ecosystem interact and function whether it is the amount of energy produced by photosynthesis or how energy and materials flow along the food chain. Energy transfers in a continuous cycle from growth to decay and back throughout an ecosystem and the rate at which it does so depends on a number of factors. However, energy transfer through the food chain becomes more inefficient as it develops from what is called primary producer level (plants) through herbivore primary consumer level and on to carnivore level. This is all fine when the various elements of an ecosystem are in balance and functioning well together but it does not take much to destabilize it. Climate changes, such as prolonged drought or rainfall, can affect the balance or a change in the animal population so that perhaps there are too many predators that can be supported in a given area. Human activity has arguably one of the most significant impacts on an ecosystem in a variety of ways. Once an area of land is being used for a specific purpose, such as farming, it can lead to several problems. Once populations begin to collect in communities and the economic system depends more and more on urbanized living, along with greater scientific understanding of public health and medicine, the death rate declines and the population ...
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