Functions of Fire Suppression and Fire Detection Systems1
Smoke detection1
Fire Hydrant3
Design Specifications3
Dry Hydrants4
Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems5
Chemical Fire Suppression Systems5
Pressure Relief Damping5
Goals and Objectives of Fire Supression Systems6
Design Objectives and Performance Criteria7
Design Fire Scenarios7
Fire Suppression System
In the recent years, fire suppression and detection system has grown to an extraordinary level. It has contributed in the application of fire engineering. In addition to that, it has facilitated the users with advanced equipment of fire suppression and detection systems. Within the performance-based analysis and design process, various fire and life safety systems and features exist that may be incorporated into trial designs, including fire suppression systems. Fire suppression systems serve multiple purposes, including monitoring other devices and systems, detecting products of combustion, activating smoke management and other systems, notifying people that there is an emergency, and summoning emergency responders. (Cote, 1997)
Functions of Fire Suppression and Fire Detection Systems
Following are the main functions of fire suppression and fire detection systems.
Smoke detection
It has become basic component of the active fire protection strategy. Many occupied places and residential use this strategy. Today, all modern buildings and offices use this protection strategy. However, the case was completely different in the years of 1970's. The smoke detection industry experienced explosive growth in the use of smoke detectors, in the 1970's, driven by advances in technology and manufacturing that greatly reduced prices. This explosive growth was accompanied, and likely furthered, by several significant research projects that reinforced the life safety protection provided by smoke detector and provided evidence that supported increased requirements for smoke detectors in buildings.
In addition, significant research efforts undertaken to Smoke detection has become a fundamental component of the active fire protection strategy of most modern buildings, particularly residential occupancies.
The emergence of advance technology in the field of fire detection and suppression system has made the life much easier. The reason behind this was the safe and easy use of fire detection system. The smoke detection industry experienced explosive growth in the use of smoke detectors in the 1970's. This was driven by advances in technology and manufacturing that greatly reduced prices. This explosive growth was accompanied, and likely furthered, by several significant research projects that reinforced the life safety protection provided by smoke detector and provided evidence that supported increased requirements for smoke detectors in buildings. (Davis, 2006)
In addition, significant research efforts were undertaken to understand the environments to which detectors are exposed and the response of these detectors to such environments. Many of the means by which to estimate the response of smoke detectors were formulated during this period of important smoke detection research 1970's and have not advanced significantly since then; they are still the only accessible means for engineers to even approximate the response of smoke detectors.
The main objective of most fire detection and alarm signaling systems is detecting a fire early so as to initiate various actions. Being able to assess the time when an initiating device may activate is important, especially when undertaking a performance-based assessment and the overall development of a fire safety ...