Yes, according to the rounding of criteria the student 1 can be awarded an A grade because the student first of all the 89% mark has been crossed and also the percentage is tending towards the 90% mark because it has crossed more than the 50% decimals which are sufficient enough to be rounded off to a digit number.
No, because truncating the decimal from 89.52% will make the score of student 1 to be 89% which is not an enough score to be graded as A.
a) A taxpayer always wants to give the least details to the concerns so that he can save the money if the he is eligible to pay 27.8%, so on the tax form he will certainly show his tax rate by truncating the decimals and will write his tax as almost 27%. On the other hand, government would be rounding the tax rate of the taxpayer from 27.8% to 28% in order to collect more tax and therefore write the tax rate in directories as 28% (Cynthia, 2009). This is a major problem that sometimes occur on the both the end that when the taxpayer comes to pay tax he usually found his tax rate more than his expectation and what he has written in the tax form.
b) The rounding off and truncation of decimals in the real world are certainly different. In the real world circumstances, we usually use both these tools in the benefit of both the parties that are involved in the deal. For e.g. it is a most common exercise in the markets from the sellers that they usually put a tag of $0.99 or $1.49 which benefits them in terms of earning because the buyers usually a complete dollar in comparison with $0.99 and the sellers earn money from this behavior of buyers (Cynthia, 2009).
Similarly, the truncation of decimals is found in the mental math analysis i.e. if a student get 89.25 marks in an exam of mathematics, and if his friends asked him about the marks he has secured in the exam, the student often use the mental math truncation method in the mind will certainly reply to the friend that he has secured 89 marks.
Examples of rounding off
When a person goes for shopping in any shopping mall or shop, and the product is marked as $1.99, the customer use his mental math concepts by rounding off the figures and decides that he has to pay $ 2 for buying the product.
The height of a student of grade 5 - 9 usually in between 4.5 feet to 5 feet and if a student has a height of 4.10 feet, he mentally rounded his height to 5 feet and tell people that his heigh is 5 feet (Cynthia, 2009).
The circular radius of hats are usually according to the size of heads but when child wears the hat, the shopkeeper reduces the size of the hat by truncating ...