Financial And Business Planning

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Financial and Business Planning

Financial and Business Planning

Proposed Project and its Legal structure

I want to open a small business of Plant Nursery. The reason why I am interested in making this plan is because plants are living things and they play vital role in the existence of earth. The process of food largely depends upon them. They play significant role in environment by influencing climate and also provide oxygen to the world.

I am going to open a Plant Nursery which sole purpose is to sale the plants in that particular vicinity. I have selected Sole Proprietorship for the purpose of legal structure for this proposed business.

Set up Cost and Sources of Funding.

Set up Cost

For the purpose of establishing Plant Nursery I would like to incur some cost over it. For the purpose of Plant Nursery certain items were needed. First of all, I need

A space for building that will be required for conducting business activities. It costs around £15000.

Equipment was needed in order to run business activities it costs around £5000.

Furniture and Fixture will be purchase which costs around £1000.

Total cost for fixed assets would be around £21000.

For the purpose of operating capital Inventory, utility, supplies, advertising and promotion funds and working capital funds would be required that costs around £34000

In Short, for starting business setup we require around £55,000.

Sources of funding

For the purpose to start the business and its operations we require £55,000.

I am going to invest £25,000 while the rest of the amount will be provided by bank and Princes Youth Trust £20,000 and £10,000 respectively.

Estimate of overheads for the first year of trading.

Overhead expenses include salaries expense and other expenses. Salaries expenses have cost around £1,120 on monthly basis and yearly its costs around £13,440. Similarly the fixed expenses are estimated around £695 on monthly basis while it's cost around £8,340 on yearly basis.

Estimate and justify your monthly drawings.

As the owner I will estimate £100 for the purpose of drawing on monthly basis. The reason for drawing this amount is to utilize for the purpose of personal use.

Establish the cost of the product or service you will offer to your customer.

Cost of Ground Covers = £8 per square foot.

Cost of ornamental Grass = £15 per square foot.

Cost of Japanese maple = £16 per tree.

Cost of seeds will be = £12 one kilo gram.

Produce a brief marketing plan addressing

Details of products/services you will be offering.

I will be going to offer plants to the customer different flowers, seeds and grass:

Ground Covers are the plants that require less water and maintenance. The reason why I am offering is because it gives beautiful look to houses. It is also popular among residents of Bristol.

Grasses such as, ornamental grass I have selected as my product because it tufts up to 20 feet tall giants. Landscaper loves them as they provide beautiful view near ponds and rock gardens.

Japanese maple's has been selected as for niche category. It has attractive leaf shapes and colour. The cost of this product is high and only ...
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