Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio Analysis
In order to analyze the portfolio five top companies from Dow 30 index were chosen, these five companies include Wall Mart, Disney, General electric, Citigroup and Microsoft, portfolio analysis of these companies was calculated through using Sharpe, Jensen, and Treynor indices and then the result was compared with ...
Citi Group Inc.
Citi Group Inc.
Citi Group Inc. is an American based financial service provider firm; it has 200 years of its existences till 2012. The company has the largest financial services network and the financial institutions of Citi group are present in more than 140 countries with more than 16000 ...
Risk & Return Trade-off Memo
Name of Writer
Name of Institution
To: Rainier Ekstrom, Casa Bonita's Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
From: Investment Advisor
Re: Constructing & Managing a Portfolio
The process of portfolio construction can be quite complicated. Experts go through tons of research - past performance, future potential, and industry ...
Personal Finance
Personal Finance
Personal Finance is a financial decision taken by families, individuals or citizens of the country to acquire a certain amount of monetary budget for either saving it or spending monetary resources over a time period by taking into consideration the financial risks involved or the events occurring in ...
Earned Value and Cost Value Analysis
Earned Value and Cost Value Reconciliation
Earned Value
Cost and Progress Monitoring Effectiveness
Project management institute defines earned value management as technique which integrates project scope, schedule and resources. Project performance is then reported from the phase of initiation to the phase of closeout.
Project managers ...
Face Book Valuation
This paper intends to explore the financial aspects of a corporation. For this purpose Face book has been chosen as a reference company to analyse its IPO stock price and current stock price in terms of Efficient Market Hypothesis. Further, responsibilities of financial manager is ...
Community Centre Budget
Community Centre Budget
Question No. 1
The financial report for the third quarter for 2011-12 showed an overspending. What possible explanations are there for how this occurred?
The financial report for the third quarter of 2011-12 showed an overspending in four major cost centre heads for staff and three major cost ...
Module 4 -Balance Sheet
Module .4 - Case
Is there is a difference in approach to valuation by US GAAP and IFRS? Discuss and note two or three specific differences?
U.S generally accepted accounting principles is only followed in United State of American, where as international financial reporting standard (IFRS) is ...
Module 3 Income Statement
Module 3 - Case
Why is revenue recognition a significant issue? How do we determine when revenues are recorded for accounting purposes?
Revenue recognition is one the most important concept when preparing the financial statement for the corporations. Many corporate around the global find it very difficult ...
Module 5: Cash flow Statement
Module 5 - Case
Distinguish between cash flows from operating activities and cash flows from investing activities.
Cash flow from operations tells us how much cash, business generatse from their core operations, it specifically does not included cash generated from disposal of assets like property, plant and ...