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Dissertation on Finance

Finance is simply defined as the study of money and is related not only to commerce activities but also to effective money management. The subject is both diverse and complicated and writing a dissertation on the same is indeed a challenging task. In order to help students and researchers to better understand the subject, Researchomatic provides a whole range of finance dissertations which will give students utile ideas on how to proceed with their work.

Preventing Corporate Failure By Using Ratios And Studying The Impact Of Accounts Manipulation On Overall Performance
Preventing Corporate Failure by Using Ratios and studying the impact of accounts manipulation on overall performance By ABSTRACT Bankruptcy, and particularly the prediction of bankruptcy, has been the focus of extensive research in the past several decades. This has been due to the importance of bankruptcy prediction to investors and lenders as ...
Preventing Corporate Failure By Using Ratios And Studying The Impact Of Accounts Manipulation On Overall Performance
Preventing Corporate Failure by Using Ratios and studying the impact of accounts manipulation on overall performance By ABSTRACT Bankruptcy, and particularly the prediction of bankruptcy, has been the focus of extensive research in the past several decades. This has been due to the importance of bankruptcy prediction to investors and lenders as well ...
Impact Of Disasters On Financial Markets
Impact of Disasters on Financial Markets By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research. DECLARATION I, (Your name), would ...
An Examination Of Liquidity Risk Of Standard Chartered Bank Plc, Bangladesh
An examination of liquidity risk of Standard Chartered Bank Plc, Bangladesh By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of ...
Impact Of Financial Variables On Systematic Risk Of Common Stocks: An Empirical Evidence Of Casino Industry
Impact of financial variables on systematic risk of common stocks: An empirical evidence of Casino Industry ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family ...
International Finance
International Finance By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and ...
Case Study On Introduction And Implementation Of International Financial Reporting Standards (Ifrs) In India
Case study on introduction and implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in India By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that ...
The Global Financial Crisis 2007 To 2009, How Has It Affected The Cost Of Capital, An Empirical Study Of Debt And Equity Capital In The Uk
[The Global financial crisis 2007 to 2009, How has it affected the cost of capital, An Empirical study of Debt and Equity Capital in the UK] By Acknowledgement I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor; family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have ...
The Global Financial Crisis 2007 To 2009 & Its Effects On Cost Of Capital-An Empirical Study Of Debt And Equity Capital In The Uk
[The Global financial crisis 2007 to 2009 & its effects on cost of capital-An Empirical study of Debt and Equity Capital in the UK] By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible DECLARATION I, ...
Copper In A Hybrid Physical-Investment Market
[Copper in a Hybrid Physical-Investment Market] By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my ...
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