Final Reflection Paper: Learning Organization

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Final Reflection Paper: Learning Organization

Final Reflection Paper: Learning Organization


A learning organization is referred to an organization that aims to facilitate the learning of its employees and other members and also continues to transform itself with the passage of time. The development of learning organizations is a result of the increasing pressures of the modern business environment to make it competitive in the market. There are five main features of a learning organization that benefit the organization and its members as a whole. These features include personal mastery, systems thinking, shared vision, mental models and team learning. The concept of a learning organization first came into existence based on the works and research of Peter Senge and his colleagues who assisted him. A learning organization influences the organizations to shift to a more interconnected and interlinked system of working and thinking. This concept also allows the organizations to become like communities to which the employees could feel a commitment to it. It is observed that the employees will harder for the success of an organization to which they are more committed. The core focus of this reflective paper is to identify the importance of learning organization and the extent to which it contributed towards the learning of my organization.

Sources of Learning

It is obvious that learning organization is a source of wide learning within an organization. So, there are various sources through which the new learning has been attained within the organization. The sources through which the new thoughts have been learned include different readings and videos through which the members of the organization could get a clear idea of different modern business situations. In support of the readings and videos presented to the members of the organization, discussion questions were also presented during the learning session through which a healthy discussion was conducted and also brought up new and innovative ideas to tackle the challenges of the modern business environment. The new ideas cultivated were also then implemented to the working practices of the organization that provided the members an experience about coping with the new concepts of working and also provided a basis for evaluation of the learning session. These were the various sources that were used for the learning session in the learning environment that was created within my organization and it contributed towards the learning of the members to a great extent.

Litmus Test

The litmus test that was conducted provided clear ideas and learning about the processes and new ideas that was essential to be learned for the members of the organization in the modern business environment. Creating a learning organization within my organization played a vital role in communicating new ideas and learning about the requirements of the modern business environment. An interview was conducted with the manager of the organization that defined the benefits that were obtained from the learning organization created which was able to cope with the litmus test.

It was accepted by the manager that there was scope for new business processes ...
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