Fiction And The Business

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Fiction and the Business

Fiction and the Business

Sometimes a piece of work or written word touches the soul of a reader so much that rules no longer count or matter. This assignment is supposed to discuss the narrative elements of two essays or poems. The elements to be discussed are between a piece of fiction and that of non-fiction. There will only be one story discussed here. Allusions will be made referencing other stories; however they will not be the heart or soul of this paper. Tom Wayman's work titled "The Country of Everyday: Literary Criticism" is the truest form of poetry the writer of this paper has ever read. (Larocco, Christine 1996)

The story only spans two and a half pages, seventy two stanzas. One cannot count the words because to count the words means reading them again. In so doing one will find oneself caught up into the gritty reality of what it means to be a worker in modern society in juxtaposition to that of a artistic poet out of touch with that reality. Neither work-centered poetics, leftist politics, nor a philosophy of narcissism has yet brought Wayman squarely face-to-face with the beast at the heart of the labyrinth. The quest for a renewed political and social order, reinforced by an exploration of new directions in poetry, has led to further and more complex journeys of the soul; but, at this stage, it is the quester himself and not his quarry that seems snared. (Larocco, Christine 1996)

The words are life. The opening stanzas recount the enthusiasm and impatience of youth that ends in ultimate tragedy. The death is described in horrific and yet beautiful detail. "There was a flash and he just folded over onto his side and turned black: his ears melted. There were two ...
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