Family Violence 'stalking'

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Family Violence 'Stalking'

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Family Violence 'Stalking'


The concept of a family is very complex in nature in which different stakeholders play a different role. The nuclear family is the predominant type of family structure which is present in the societies of the developed countries. In this family structure s the act of violence can lead to numerous negative impacts on the lives of various family members. Considering the impact of the family life and environment ion the different family members, it is important that all of these stakeholders take a proactive role to develop a conducive and healthy family environment/. However the reality is that the family institution is also prone to several risks, and under certain circumstances certain dominant family members can cause discourse in the family life (Dixon & Germain, 1992). The act of family violence occurs when the aggressive members of the family physically or psychologically harm the weaker members. It is erroneous to believe that the violence can only be in the form of direct physical assault, because in majority of the cases the submissive family members have to contend with prolonged psychological violence.


In the current society the relevant research and findings have suggested that the psychological violence is also a very detrimental factor, and it can have severe impacts on the individuals who have to suffer from these factors. Stalking is a form of psychological family violence, through which certain members of the family have to live in highly stressful and fear driven environments. These types of activities might not lead to direct contact or even physical violence; however the stress of constantly being harassed and stalked by a family member can become a highly traumatic experience. It is true that h in the majority of the family cases where the incident of stalking is involved, the husbands are usually the perpetrators; however it would be wrong to conclude that the females are not involved in such forms of family violence.

Perpetrators 'Staling Activity'

The activity of stalking is conducted by an individual who has suffered a negative experience in their family life, and suffers feelings of abandonment and depression. This person feels that his former family has left him/her, and becomes resentful and aggressive. In this frustration to cope with the situation, the person can lead to stalk certain member of the family and try to communicate with them on various occasions. This person can even become violent I nature if the oppressed family members seek to get help from the relevant authorities or even ignore the attempts of communication (Pathé & Mullen, 2002). The perpetrator is usually ha highly aggressive individual who is not able to get accustomed to the real situation. The person lives in denial, and believes that through certain behaviors he/she might be able to recreate the former family structure. In the events such as divorce between the husband and wife, it is the husband in the majority of the cases who is involved in the violent form of ...
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