Family Sociology

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In A Postmodern Society Such As Britain, Are Traditional Family and Marriage Necessary

In A Postmodern Society Such As Britain, Are Traditional Family and Marriage Necessary


The sociology of the family identifies the overall family as a unit of socialization or as an institution. The family as a unit of socialization has been recognized with the help of several perspectives related to sociology; more specifically in the context of relationship among the industrial capitalism and the nuclear family (Graham, 2005, pp 3-5). The various ideas of the childhood that build them and gender roles have also been recognized as the units of socialization. The concept of family sociology has now become the most general element from educational point of view as well, because may be it is one of the simplest institution which one can apply several important sociological theories and approaches. This essay is based on the importance of traditional families and marriages in post modern society like Britain.


History of the Family Sociology Concept

The concept of Family Sociology emerged out in the late eighteenth century. Methodologically it started with observation and developed later with the deduction of generalizations or assumptions about social facts that aimed to achieve the range of explanatory and predictive models. The collective representations encompass the ways in which one group thinks about objects that affect any individual. They are socially generated, expressing social problems and maintain a structural correspondence with social organization. However, they are independent in their combination and transformation laws (

Sociological trends in the study of the family are represented mainly by the work of Emile Durkheim from speculative schemes towards the concrete historical control family. E. Durkheim formulated the law of "contraction" (compression) of the family of a massive circle of relatives to an increasingly narrow group up to the so-called "conjugal family organization "). They finally secured the withdrawal from the European and especially American Durkheim, along with F. Le Play and E. Engel considered a pioneer family. An imprint on the sociology of the family left the methodologist, theorist and researcher Frederic L. P. (1806-1882). He studied in detail the features of life for families in different European countries and in different social groups, monographs describing conditions and way of life of different families surveyed. The result was a typology of families. In the first type is in the patriarchal family and the individual is subject to community, family, and acts as a single indivisible unit. The root of the family (today it is called nuclear) and all property goes to one heir, the chosen father. The other children migrate back to life with parental nest failures (,articleId-26837.html.).

Family and Social Life

The family is a basic unit of fundamental social life in the sense that it allows a large part of social reproduction. It is often the first group in which individuals are socialized and learn to live in society. The family is a basic unit in which daily operations of key individuals that are their food, rest, leisure and finally, their ...
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