Family Relationship

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Family Relationship

Family Relationship


This paper intends to explore the psychology of the family. In this context, it presents chooses and examines a family relationship of mother. The psychology of family analyzes how and why we have families and close relationships and also the dynamics of family interactions. The structure of families is based on evolutionary biology, anthropology, history and sociology and the roots of family systems are found within these disciplines. However, studying family structure shows how family has evolved over time, but may not directly tell us why family relationships develop in the first place. Family relationships are studied with psychology, child development, and philosophy and suggest why family forms the basis of our existence.


Psychology of the Family

Psychology of family is a special field in professional psychology that focuses on the emotional feelings, behavior, and thoughts of single members, couples, and overall family relations and in the widespread atmosphere in which all these actors or personalities perform. The system or structure of family of truly and mainly focused since the ancient times. The theory in this pragmatic system of family is that dynamics of family play an imperative function in the psychological performance of the family associates. This pertains to expanded families and nuclear families, as well. Psychology of the family takes into account history and existing situation of the family, for instance forefathers in the family, community of the family, ethnic culture, healthcare system, school, and other related resources to difficulty or support. Psychologists of the family endeavor to comprehend concerns existing through the individuals to be fulfilled not merely from the perception of the offerer(s), however also by comprehending the framework in which these concerns have established. In this context family psychotherapists may observe:

Single persons in the family,

Couples in the family,


Working professionals in the family,

All kinds of community groups, and

Structured systems

Nursing and Family System

Nursing is the practice of synthesizing several various dimensions of care for creating an environment that is conducive to promotion and maintenance of health (Nightingale, 1992). Where, a nurse can start this process of care by demonstrating a sound understanding of the nursing field and the personal beliefs of nursing. The coat of arms in nursing is the qualities of care I believe a nurse is ought to provide in her care, and that includes the healing, cooperation, strength, hope, determination, and passion.


After I completed my high school, my science subjects really inculcated in me a sense of helping others. I have always been a person who helped others and therefore wanted to do pursue my passion on a higher level by becoming a nurse. Not only has this but there are several other factors that helped me to opt for this particular field. First and foremost was the shortages of nursing staff in the healthcare. As I was studying science subjects, this was the hot topic that I studied about too and from this time I decided to join nursing. Nurses and their shortages has become a grown up ...
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