Family Mediation

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Family Mediation

Table of Contents


Family mediation process2

Competence for family mediators3

Professional regulation5

Foundation training for family mediators6

Model standards of practice for family and divorce mediation7

Potential problems in mediation9



Family Mediation


Family mediation is one of the most important parts of mediation services provided across the globe. It dates back thousands of years and was existent in various forms and cultures. Families who are in dispute seek family mediation to resolve their issues. There is a wide array of services provided under the family mediation tree such as divorce mediation and others. The family mediation, as of today, has been divided into two broad categories - mediation and comediation. In mediation, there is only one mediator involved. On the other hand, in comediation, more than one mediator is involved with the family at the same time (Ingelby, 2008, p. 59).

Both single and joint caucuses may be used for mediation. In the single caucus, the mediator is focusing on only one party. However, in the joint caucus, all the parties involved may be caucused at the same time together in one session. Most family disputes involve two parties. However, there can be family disputes with several parties involved such as disputed among siblings.

The paper discusses family mediation in detail and stresses the professional competences and specialty knowledge required on the part of family mediators when compared with general mediators. It also sheds light on the different styles of mediation and highlights the ethical dilemmas involved in family and divorce mediation.

Family mediation process

The general principles of mediation are also applicable on family mediation.

These are transparency, mutual respect and voluntariness. BY nature, family mediation is progressive. It is also non-confrontational. The simple technique applied in family mediation is to make the parties look at the future and forget about what had been the problems in the past. The center of all the mediation interventions and advice provided is the child of the family (Head & Head, 2006, p. 8). This is so because their welfare comes first and any dispute in the family should not affect them in any way. Any issues related to children are dealt with caution so that the needs of the child are given priority.

Various public and private organizations in the UK are working in collaboration with Ministry of Justice and Legal Services Commission on projects related to family mediation. The negotiation of the private, public and semi private organizations working in the domain with the government takes place through The Family Mediation Council (Camp, 2008, p. 187). This was established back in the year 2007 and in order to create public awareness and provide family mediation services to larger sections of the society.

Competence for family mediators

Family mediators play a crucial role in resolving family matters. Their role is very sensitive. Justifying it calls for competence as a family mediator as well as adherence to the professional regulations. Family mediators are different from general mediators in that they require specialist knowledge. This knowledge is relevant and important as ...
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