Family Mediation

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Family Mediation

Family Mediation


Family mediation is an active decision-making process in which a trained professional "mediator", helps the couple to make the decision whether and how to separate, and in case of separation has already taken place, working with the couple to identify relationship issues should be defined during the separation / divorce. In the course of family mediation is possible to identify the central points of separation as the placement of children, their maintenance, future projects and the division of property. It is an intervention aimed at the reorganization of family relationships and conflict resolution or mitigation in the event of separation or divorce. The course of mediation is a viable alternative to the traditional judicial process: its aim is to allow spouses who choose to end your marriage to reach, firsthand, the separation agreements and be the architects of the reorganization of family will adjust their lives and their future children.

In mediation you research a common solution to problems of that particular family. Decisions in fact emerge during a joint work lasting about 8/10 meeting for an hour and a half each. Mediation can also deal with specific and limited points, such as mode of contact between children and parents who are not cohabiting, how to educate children, what to do with the commons, or whatever. It is recommended in case of married couples that actually, but no children. The marital separation becomes, through mediation, a process of pain management, where people are actively helped to negotiate agreements on a new life. We could say that this is an intervention aimed at reframing a "new deal" on the operation of parenting tasks.

It can indeed dissolve the marriage bond, but parents remain throughout life, this confirms the importance of eternity, and links to the person. In mediation, parents have the opportunity 'to address and solve problems in the best possible for all members of the family group, in complete confidentiality. In fact the mediator refers to neither the court nor any other person who sent the couple.

The Process of Family Mediation in United Kingdom

In 1996, he founded the European Forum on Family Mediation with the aim to promote, develop and coordinate training and research in family mediation, developing a quality standard for the practice of family mediation in Europe.

England (and Wales) was the first European country in which it appeared the family mediation, in fact you can trace its birth to 1973 already, as in 1974 (the same year the first private center of family mediation in Atlanta, in Georgia) will publish a report which talks of a new form of conciliation and the same is practiced by Lisa Parkinson, social worker at the services for the protection of the Court of Bristol. Again by Lisa Parkinson, a few years later, between 1977 and 1978, opens the first public "family conciliation." From these beginnings, both dates for both developments, one could argue that family mediation in England is born not so much cultural influence of the ...
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