Family Law

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Family law

Family law


One of the significant facts about the case is that in 1986, Francine Todd and Edward Straub involved in an intimate relationship, which involved sexual intercourse.

Later, in December the same year, Todd expressed her desire to Straub that she wanted to have a baby. However, Straub did not want to have a child from Todd because he was a divorcee and already had five children from his previous wife.

As a result, Todd threatened that she would end the relationship between them if Straub would not have a child with her.

In return, Straub wrote a statement and asked Todd to sign it if she wanted to have a child.

The statement mentioned that Todd did not want to marry, but want to have a child of her own. In addition, the statement mentioned that Todd approached a number of men for financial and emotional support, who did not have any obligation to do so. Furthermore, the names of those men would remain confidential.

Todd agreed to sign the statement. As a result, Todd and Straub decided to continue their sexual relationship. However, this time, it was unprotected.

Later in the year 1987, Todd became pregnant and gave birth in the same year in November. Moreover, the birth certificate did not have any information about the father of the child.

Straub and Todd continued their relationship, but Straub did not establish a relationship with the child.

Procedural History

Todd filed a petition on January 7, 1991, according to which, she asked the trial court to declare Straub as the father of the child. In addition, Todd asked the court to have financial support from Straub along with various medical expenses. However, Straub moved to dismiss on the basis of statute of limitations, which had expired. However, Straub let go ...
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