Family Law

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Family Law

Family Law


The study is related to the family law of United Kindome which is important and crucial to understand. As a legal researcher, at the London South Bank University's Advice Centre, the clients of the company should know the detailed view of the law so that the concerns of the clients can be satisfied. The response that the clients should take in each case is discussed in the later part of the study.

Case # 1:

The case that pertains to John and Sarah who just finished their General Certificate of Secondary Education; as John and Sarah are desperately in love and want to marry. In relation to this perspective, John and Sarah should consider the UK law while making any decision.

According to the UK marriage law, the minimum age legal for people living in the United Kingdom of getting married is 16 years. Moreover, in view of the UK law, children below are of 18 and above the age of 16 will need to have consent from the guardians or the parents which is the requirement for people who have not reached the age of 18 years and people who have not been married previously. In addition to this, if either of the probable partners or the couples that are John and Sarah is below 18 years then the birth certificate should be produced to the court for getting married. Furthermore, the law states that it will be preferred that all either the probable partners or the couples that are John and Sarah produce such evidences.

Case # 2

The case that is related to the Stephanie, who has been married for six months; Stephanie now feels that she has fallen in love with someone at work and now she wants to a divorce soon as possible. She says that her husband will not want a divorce at all. Thus, in view of the UK law, it is important for Stephanie to consider the following points:

According to the UK law, divorce is the breaking of the marriage bond, given by courts at the request of one spouse (divorce on specific grounds) or both (divorce by mutual consent) resulting from a sanction action aimed at obtaining the dissolution of marriage.

Important Factors for Stephanie

According to the law, Stephanie should keep in mind the following key points that are mentioned below;

The cause must arise during the marriage: One of the acts committed by spouses can only be considered as grounds for divorce if they have arisen during the marriage. The events before the marriage can not be held as grounds for divorce.

The cause must be caused by the defendant spouse: The Court requires that all demand in divorce on specific grounds, it is necessary that the facts on which emanate from the spouse to whom he is accused. It was judged that the applicant can not rely husband the events caused by him and which are the generators of the disagreements, without violating the principle that "no one can prevail justice of his own ...
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