Family Assesment

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Family Assesment

Family Assesment


There are considerable hypothetical and disciplinary manipulations that require to be focused in order to focusing the suitability of tool that is selected for assessment of the family (Hinton, 2008). The tool for assessment that has been utilized for this case study of Gamal would be the Calgary Family Assessment Model. The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) is an incorporated, multidimensional structure that consists upon the communication, cybernetics, systems, and change theoretical foundations (Smith & Ford, 2013).


Based on the analysis conducted below the goals that are set for the case study consist of the following points:

As the nurse I am liable to meet with the family in oder to diagnose and assess the problem.

It is my duty to plan the care for the family.

After planning the execution of the plan is necessary under expert supervision, and proper changes must be applied if needed.

As the nurse it is my responsibility to provide them with the expert assistance so that they can cope with in their life and become successful and happy.

Nursing Intervention

Nurses play the fundamental function in the management of the case through participating and managing the case (McGuinness & Dyer, 2005). As the nurse my core responsibility is to make sure that to treat the patient in effective manner. In case of Gamal Fayyad, the intervention that has been designed is to first of all diagnose the problem of the family then assess the problem and after that solution should be provided in order to help out the family.

For the Intervention program of Gamal Fayyad case, I am liable to create a supportive relationship by any means such as through telephonic way or by face to face contact with the family. I have decided to create relationship through face to face contact because it will help me out to diagnose the problem of the family and provide me a chance to interact with individual members of the family. Interaction will enable me to come to any conclusion regarding the family. As per Hemphill & Dearmun (2011), information gathering for the case of Gamal is necessary as it will help me out to plan the treatment and to organize the suitable services which will help them to live like a normal family.

Interaction will also help me to analyse the problem of the family ijn timely manner and to address the problem of every member on time. For instance, in case of Gamal I have found that he has bully nature. This fact is known to me because of the face to face interaction. Otherwise, I will not be able to identify the problem through telephone. Bully nature is also the main cause according to me that create resistance among family members to interact with each other. So, my first effort will be to address the bully nature of Mr. Gamal.

There are three type of the Nurses Intervention that I can use in case of Gamal's Family (Mitchell & Ellis, 2011):

Limited Intervention

Moderate Intervention

Intensive ...
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