Factors Influencing Successful Corporate Brand Building, Rebranding And Brand Enhancement: A Study In Retail Industry Of Uk

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[Factors Influencing Successful Corporate Brand Building, Rebranding and Brand Enhancement: A Study in Retail Industry of UK]


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[Name of the Professor]

[Date of Submission]


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Signed: __________________ Date: _____________________

Table of Contents




4.1 Factors that contribute towards the development of a successful online brand1

4.2 Key findings and discussion5

4.3 End Results and Statistical Outcomes19


5.1 Recommendations28

5.2 Areas of Developing more outcomes and research34



With a brief analysis undertaken and the hypothetical statement set to be approved, our basic understanding and comprehension has taken place for the purpose and objective of discussing findings and outcomes with reference to the tools incorporated in the research for a more sound undertaking and stronger footing.

As the retail industry now fully functioning and working at par with the demands of the international environment and the global community. Not only this, with industrial marketing and branding now being effectively and efficiently practiced by different companies, it becomes even more competitive for companies to fight for their place and their reputation in the economy and contribute as the leader of the market.

To sum, with companies now working with each other upon the model of collaboration, it becomes even more vivid and clear that companies need to make way for the purpose and objective of closing better and healthier results, in order to deliver quality, synergetic performance and close as an efficient production machine as part of the retail industry.

4.1 Factors that contribute towards the development of a successful online brand

In present times, maintaining a strong and effective online user interface and holding key reputation with reference to the World Wide Web saga, it has become extremely important for corporations and organizations for paving way to take up technology and target it as their key success factor (KSF).

Every organization has its own individual traits and nature, which make it distinct and vastly different from one another. One cannot presumably compare and consider a company running in the area of manufacturing to the one that is engaged into service. Similarly the kind of work that each company has been involved in differs significantly towards developing softwares and information systems. For instance, while a company may have one automated department for keeping records and maintaining deliveries, another could fully implement SAP into the overall organization for the purpose of creating a paper-less environment and at the same time making itself stand out in the crowd as amongst the most effective and resourceful organizations.

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