Brand Building

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Brand Building

Brand Building


Brand Building is a long process which might take years to process itself and it might travel the distance within few weeks. However, there is no hard and fast rule which tends to be attached to the whole idea of brand and establishing itself in the minds of the consumer. The whole concept behind brand building is to inject certain abilities into the brand itself, based on which people tends to relate the brand which themselves. Therefore, there are certain tools and certain perspectives which needs to understood and clearly defined before making inroads to the whole concept attached to the process of Brand Building. Many experts tend to believe that the entire image of the brand tends to stand on one factor that factor being the trust. The greater the trust any brand shares in the eyes of the consumer, he or she will be more likely to relate with it based upon the factor of trust (Parameswaran, 2006).

However, there are certain pillars upon which any brand tends to stand on. Core Benefits which the brand tends to promise should be delivered on first stage in order to settle in the minds of the consumer. Another factor which also plays a great role in establishing any brand is how that brand tends to position itself. Positioning tends to depend upon various things which includes brand name, image, service it tends to provide, packaging and various other factors. However, the successful brands tend to have a combination of the above indicated facts or they tend to rely on their integration. Any brand tends to stand upon the pillar of brand equity (Ghodeswar, 2008). It is the spirit of nay brand or the backbone of the brand. Brand Equity tends to interpret itself as the muscle of the brand which the brand tends to extract from goodwill and the consistency to deliver its promise. However, brand equity tends to reflect on the growth and the sales of any brand.



Davis Brown, a college going student tends to be extremely brand loyal to Coca Cola, thus the interview will be conducted as per the spirit of Brand Equity and the needs of the paper.

Interviewer: Best thing about the coke?

Interviewee: The taste of the coke tends to attract due to which he don't like drinking any other soft drinks. Coke today has the same taste which it had when I was comparatively young. Its taste tends to remain consistent whereas the taste of the other soft drinks has changed with the passage of the time. The taste of the coke even today is unique despite of the fact that there are so many competitors of the coke in the market today. For me it's the taste of the coke which makes me brand loyal to the coke and that is the reason I only tend to drink coke and no other soft drinks no matter what the circumstances tend to be.

Interviewer: Who is the coke's arch rival and how its taste ...
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