Facebook And Twitter

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Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter


Social network analysis examines the social structure by applying the Theory of Graphs and identifying the entities as "nodes" or "vertices" and relationships as "links" or "edges". The structure of the graph resulting is often very complex. As mentioned, there may be many types of links between nodes. The multidisciplinary research has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from family relationships to relationships state-wide organizations (in this case we speak of political networks), playing a critical role in determining the political agenda and the degree to which individuals or organizations achieve their objectives or are influenced (Goldie, 2007).

Social media and social networking sites are taking the Internet by storm. Although social networks are addicting and entertaining they ultimately are one of the biggest distractions we have today. Social networks somewhat rule the world in a media aspect. Saying all this we should really strive to cut back on our use of all social networks, evening if it is tempting or event if we can get the top news on there. Stop and pay attention to the things you are supposed to be doing because the social networks will always be there.

Discussion And Analysis

As social networking sites have skyrocketed in popularity with millions of users using social networking websites every day. Most commonly, online social networks serve as a virtual community where users make friends, keep in touch with old friends, share pictures and inform the world of major and minuscule life events. Face book (www.facebook.com) and Twitter (http://twitter.com) are good examples of online social networking. Online social networks are referred to as any online community where users interact with one another and form relations (Leigh, 2011).

Fcaebook And Twitter Creating Global Community

Facebook really is a perfect platform for discovering and sharing new music, and one that an ever increasing number of new artists are looking to now when it comes to interacting with fans and sharing their latest tracks according to Goldie (2007). By setting up a Facebook page or BandPage and promoting these through other social platforms such as Twitter and Tumblr, Facebook really can become a centralized place that integrates multiple online PR activities. For example, Facebook is a perfect place for artists to share their tracks via SoundCloud and BandCamp players, upload new music videos or behind-the-scenes studio footage, announce tours and news, and event create events and tour ...
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