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Social media network sites are very common among people belonging to different age groups. Among such social media site is Facebook, which is one of the leading social media network across the world. Majority of the users of facebook try to interact with each other anywhere they go, whether in labs, in schools, colleges, at work etc. They like to update their status and give comments on statuses of other friends. Moreover, to that they upload pictures and videos and share it with their friends. The purpose of the study is therefore to analyze the reason that why people are so fond of using facebook. This study will help in analyzing the root causes behind the attraction of people towards facebook. It will help in analyzing the behavior of people, which tends towards the usage of social media networks.The birth of the Internet and its subsequent development as a means of mass communication has enabled social networks which encompass physical space as well as virtual space. This facilitates its extension across different regions and the world, beating forever geographical factor that often limit interaction

Mark Zuckerberg founded "Facebook", originally thefacebook.com to the February 4, 2004. Facebook Expansion continued with the opening of Facebook to Ivy League schools and the Boston area and, gradually, in most universities in Kanada and the United States. in June 2004 establishing poika Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California (George, 2007). The internet and other digital media have transformed marketing today'. The evolution of social media advertising such as Facebook has provided businesses with a marketing communication channel which proves to be more engaging with their customers. It has also given businesses opportunities to expand into new market and offer exclusive new service, most importantly build stronger relationships with their customers. Boyd. D et al 2007 defined social ...
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