Exploring Theories

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Exploring Theories

Exploring Theories


Reality TherapyTheory

The reality theory began in 1960s, by William Glasser the founder of reality theory. He initiated to use the control theory in the late 1970s to better explain the details of his work and give it a new name, and use choice theory in the late 90s. the whole work of Glasser revolves around this theory which underlines to the core his believe insociology. It is a very well recognized therapy all over the world . The inventor of this therapy William has laid great emphasis on the importance of this particular therapy in personal as well as professional life.He claims that the hiden reason of all the problem related top CTs are almost same. This comprised of two main reason: firstly he says the relationship is either unsatisfying or it lacks the main componwnt of realationship. (Corey, 1986). So for the successful conduct of the therapy, therapist is supposed to help the CTs to nurture a healthy relationship or behave in an effective way for the long lasting relation. .There are a lot of ways through which this therapy can be well implemented on a personal and professional basis. Glasser's view is that:

Willliam Glasser has began his career as a psychiatric training and grow his career over a perioid of time. Two experiences which inclde working with tarditional psycho analytical psychotheraist made him reationary and working wiyh deliquent youth at California school for girls played a decisv role in the development of reality theory. (Belkin, 1975).

Glasser in (1965) devlop the theory based on the intinsic needs of all the human beings. He sees that all the individual are likely to change themselves and the emergence of change comes within the inside of the person.the basic factors behind change lies to be loved, by the need to be belong, to become successful and consider oneself as worhthwhile person. The individaul stives to contro the external forces in order to achieve the intrinsic needs. The theory negates the significance of past medical record or any metal disability observed in the past. (Corey, 1986). Willliam Glasser has began his career as a psychiatric training and grow his career over a perioid of time. William is a very sensituive theorist anf devlop the theoty by undergoing through some life changing experiences. (Belkin, 1975).

The therapist work as an instructer who is suppose to motivate and encourage the client in adopting a particualr behavior. He is responsible for all the odds and evens of the implementation of the therapy on an individual.He continously watches the behaviour of the client and evalute the behavior in terms of improvement in order to satisfy their intrinsic needs. In the process of evalution where change has been obseved, the therapist redesign the activitiesf execution plan for remediation. The key responsibility of the therapist isto create the sense of identification of succcess and feeling of self-worth leading to success identity.(Glasser, 1965)

Glasser approach was widely recognized and he made several efforts in this attempts to ...
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