Exploring Online Consumer Behaviors

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Exploring online consumer behaviors

Exploring online consumer behaviors


The presence of internet has been here for more than a few decades now and it has evolved in many ways since then. With its appearance, there has been subsequent changes in the many things we do in life around the world. Most importantly, it made the world into a global village.Since the introduction of the internet, there has been growing interest in the value of trade and buying behaviors of individuals. At first doubtful, the growth of online consumerism has steadily increased and it has brought along few optimistic and adverse behaviors with it. This study aim at understanding the behaviors of individuals in online purchasing. Online consumerism is about understndaing people, organizations and employing the right methods to select a product (Perner, 2008). Also online consumers feel more in control when they can search with relative ease, prices and special offers Through understanding consumer behaviors it becomes easy for businesses to understand the needs of consumers and how far their product satisfies their needs. The businesses are able to develop products that satisfy more of their customers and in turn get an increase in the profits and market share. In a few years' time a lot of businesses have totally set up their businesses over the net and it has been anticipated that very soon conventional way of doing business will be replaced by electronic media.


The use of internet has thoroughly increased in the past years and similarly the start of online businesses. This led to increase in online consumersand subsequent study of their motivations, actions and attitudes shopping online. When understanding the buying behavior of internet consumerism, there are a number of factors that need to be considered (Delia & Xingang, 2009).An individual who has appositive experience of shopping over the net will most likely buy again through the internet. There are many benefits that an online buyer feels while buying online, such as comparing products available through different vendors, price comparisons and user reviews. This helps in easy decision making without much hassle of going out and buy. It is important to understand the users of online buying. The reasons why they choose to buy online. Mostly, due to time limitations online consumerism had increased in the recent times. People feel the commute and waste of time to search for stuff and buy it which is much easier over the internet. Moreover, all users will use the internet to fulfill their different needs. Some simply use to communicate with others, some use it to play games or write blogs, while some use it for business purposes, to create a hub without setting up a conventional store and save investment costs.


This research was conducted through a self-given online questionnaire. The collection of data was mainly about consumer attitudes, motivations and information search. The data was collected about consumer's attitudes, motivations and the ease of research through online forum. The individuals who were questioned were divided into three age ...
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