Exploration Of Journal Article In Sociology

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Exploration of Journal Article in Sociology

Powerlessness in African-American women


Culture plays a very important part of any nation and breed. It helps in identifying the different characteristics of human being belonging from different part of the world. It distinguish people behavior, norms, values and living style. Culture helps in identification of roles played each member of the family.In this very article we have been given asmall picture of how Afican -American women get suppressed in their houses which creates a sense of Powelessness among them.. These factors vary from one culture to another.in this specific paper we will be focusing that how culture of defines the role of gender and impose obligation on women in finding themselves.

In today's world, there are many different cultures. Culture is part of an infant/child's development. The infant/child's culture helps them develop into who they become when they are adults. A person's culture has influence on their eating, sleeping, and everyday activities. In this paper, the factors that make up a person's culture, how the culture influences infant and toddler development, and whether nature or nurture has a stronger influence will be discussed.


There are many factors that make up a person's culture. Culture is not just a person's race or ethnicity. Some factors that make up a person's culture can include a combination of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, values, beliefs, behavioral patterns, class, physical abilities, mental abilities, age, foods, clothing, music, and holidays just to name a few. Racial, religion, ethnic, sexual orientation, and social groups of people are also other facts that contribute to a person's culture (Zastrow et al, 1990

The migrants of Africa who get settle in America many years back have adopted their culture to gerat extent. American nation belive in gender equality and give equal opportunity to every member of the society to explor him or herself. In the article “Powerlessness, Anger, and Stress in African-American Women” the whole model is showcased to create a linkage between the factors causing helplesssness or lack of power and their deep-rooted psychological effects on women. Living in a develop country opens window to large number of opportunities and whn a women have a feeling thzt she cannot all those previlleges, it causes stress, but we get to know that what are these factors. These factors are mostly intrinsic and the barriers lies with in thw mind of oneself. .( Thomas. and Alez-Prendes, 2009).

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