Explanations Of Crime

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Explanations of Crime

Explanations of Crime

American Gary Ridgway confessed to the court that he killed 48 women, more than any other serial killer in U.S. history. These crimes have become known as the country's "Death on the Green River," because the remains of many victims were found on the banks of the river in a suburb of Seattle. 54-year-old Gary Ridgway agreed to formal recognition in the court of Seattle under a deal with prosecutors in which he would not impose the death penalty according to the reports of BBC. A resident of Auburn (Wash) before his arrest, engaged in painting the cars. He was considered a prime suspect for many years, but police did not arrest him until 2001. They did not get the opportunity to analyze his DNA. "Maniac Green River," as nicknamed Gary Ridgway, terrorized the Washington in 1980. The bodies of his first victims were found in the Green River in 1982 and most murders were committed before 1984. (Buckles, 2003)

The victims of the maniac were street prostitutes working in the area surrounding the airport of Seattle and Tahoma, drug addict or runaway girls. The bodies of these women were usually found naked and mutilated after he used to leave the Green River located on the south of Seattle. In most cases, a maniac, first had sexual relations with the victims, and then strangled them. He once said that the best thing he can do is to strangle women in which he was very good. He wanted to kill many women who are considered prostitutes. He once stated that it was sometimes difficult to remember exactly how many women were killed by him. Ridgway also sometimes used to leave the bodies of their victims in a secluded place in order to come back to them. He used to remember the location of these corpses. Ridgeway liked to ride around these places and then used to have sex with the corpse. (Good, 2001)

He never liked prostitutes and did not even use to pay money to them. He picked prostitutes as victims because they were easier to remove and nobody paid attention to these developments. Ridgeway knew that their disappearance is not noticed soon, and perhaps never noticed. In most cases when he killed the women, he did not know their names. He used to kill them at the same time, when he met them. He ...
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