Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

This report discuses the contribution and presence of James Morison in the formation of the United States of America and his presence in the civil war. Madison participated in the war 1812, where Madison argued that liberty is safest in large republics. He believed that citizens naturally differed in their talents and qualities. The government needs to be strictly limited from having too strong of powers. History taught Madison that separation of powers was needed to protect liberty. This concept would keep dominant factions from taking over the entire government. Madison indicates that there are two ways to limit the damage caused by faction: remove its causes or control its effects. At the same time, says there are two ways to remove the causes: eliminating individual freedom, qualifies as an acceptable method, or creates a homogenous society views and interests, which considered not viable and that the social heterogeneity is characteristic of a society free Therefore, Madison concludes that the only way to combat partisan behavior is by controlling its effects. The Americans had other reasons to dislike Britain. Before the War of Independence, the British built a fortress on the western Appalachian Mountains. When the Americans declared independence, the British promised to withdraw troops from there and leave the building. However, by 1812, 29 years after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the British still tried to keep their outposts, which did not allow the settlers

James Madison and American Revolutionary War


James Madison was born on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia and served as a 4th President of USA who got fame as an author of the American Constitution and called by the name of “Father of the Constitution”. He was President from 18091 to 1817 and belonged to the Democratic -Republican Party.

Early Life

He belonged to a property owner family, as his father was a tobacco planter and owner of an estate in orange County, Virginia while his mother Nelly Conway was the daughter of a rich tobacco merchant of Virginia. At the age of 17 years, he entered the College of New Jersey now called Princeton University and showed great interest in learning of Greek, geography, Mathematics, Latin, Science and Philosophy, latterly he studied law but never joined a bar.

Political Career

James Madison started his career as a lawyer; he was the youngest member of the Constitution Convention in Philadelphia latterly on March 4, 1789. He became the member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia's fifth district, in 1993, he became the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia's 15th district, on May 2, 1801, he served as a 5th United States Secretary of State and at least on March 4, 1809 he was the elected President of United States.

Contribution to the Formation of the USA

Important Presidential Work

June1, 1812 Madison declared a War with Great Britain caused by the Naval Seizures of Britain and during war Britain set fire the White House and much of Washington the Capitol but this war ended without ...
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