Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Executive Summary2

Mission Statement2

Current situation2

Project Delivarable2

Cloud Computing3

Cloud Computing Procedures3



Service payment4


Cost Analysis5




Project plan solution as competitive advantage7

Solution providers7

Strategy and planning7

Planning Phase7

Analysis Phase8

System Design Phase8

Implementation Phase8


Integration and Testing Phase9



User Training9

Project Plan Schedule9


Executive Summary

Mission Statement

The company of data collection and analysis proposes to design a project plan at the request of the CEO which is subject to expand the traditional web analytical tools and operational systems with cloud computing and at the same time enhancing security measures for it. The proposal aims to cater the following immediate needs:

Increasing efficiency by implementing advanced Information technology infrastructure.

Secondly, the expected growth of 60% is projected in the following 18th months duration whereas expansion from single floor to three floors are expected in the next six month.

Current situation

At present, operational system and database have Ms Access for data storage and OLTP for transaction management. Analytical tools are used for filtering data and information systems for an easy interface usage. To ensure control over security issues standards are provided that complies with ISO standards. In addition, encryption technologies are implemented to secure passwords, messages and other confidential files which are highly effective at the moment (Tiwari, 2011).

Project Delivarable

Cloud computing refers to the culture of outsourcing some part of an organiztion's technology to a relevant third party. Though the concept is old but terminology is new. The benefit that our company will have through Cloud computing is that it provides suport to hardware which offers network plus and it will give the storage ability from the perspective of hardware administration, cost of infrasturuture and communication are counted as variable operating expenses which will result in the accompishing objective of expansion. Secondly, the competitive advantage that it will provide its accesibility as ubiquitous computing as multiple resources will be available to use through Internet. Third, advantage of advancing this system would be the enhancement in search and retrieval process (Chien, 2003).

Cloud Computing

The technology is based on internet and virtual machines which is beneficial in terms of cost effectiveness for sharing resources. It provides application, platform and infrastructure as a service (Jamil and Zaki, 2011). It will equip the users with superior and convenient services by enabling them to store huge amount of data online. This will increase the security concerns as users will become dependent on this latest technology. The more advanced encrypted technology will be required like cryptographic algorithm which involves both the symmetric and asymmetric algorithms that eradicates the security concerns.

However, the cloud security could be improved at its best through private cloud just like Amazon virtual private cloud in collaboration with Virtual Private Network (VPN). This will ensure network security through seamless communication is carried out between the current IT infrastructure and the future implemented cloud technology. This will further facilitate by increasing the level of security, firewalls and intrusion detection in relation to cloud implementation.

Cloud Computing Procedures

Cloud computing technology is a service that runs application over the Internet through computer architecture to meet users' requirement while capitalizing on technology innovation like web ...
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