Evolution Of Toys

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Evolution of Toys


Toys sure have come the long way since first doll made literally thousands of years ago in ancient Egyptian times (Daiken pp. 143). Imagine this; first doll was made with basic fabrics and paper pulled together with some string! Nowadays we have complex toys made of plastics, alloys, rubbers, and so many other materials too many to mention. But not only have materials advanced, now toys can transform, move on their own, and even speak!

Toys; Evolution From Then To Now

Let's look back at some of original toys back in ancient times. The first doll was made somewhere around 2000 B.C. Sure, try to hand the child the paper doll in these times. They almost certainly wouldn't understand it like kids back then would. With so much time and effort it must have taken to make these by hand I'm sure they would love to play with those paper dolls. Other than doll there was kites and yo-yo's and real basic board games that resemble our modern day chess (Fraser pp. 225).

Now we're going to skip ahead the few thousand years into the more recent period. Not many more toys where invented until 1800's. Within such the small span of time so many toys became popular such as stuffed animals, toys cars, and even speaking dolls! Did you know first talking doll was made almost two hundred years ago? Alphabet blocks also became the popular learning toy during this time.

On to 1900's now, pretty much by now every toy has been made at this point. But 1900's are when all major technological advances started coming to life. Early in century there where battery operated toys, Legos, balloons, View Master, and of course I can't forget Barbie, probably them epitome of all girl's dolls and toys in general. The stuffed bear ...
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